Chapter 6

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It is beach time at Florida for their summer vacation and all the Karens are in their bikinis. All chubby and disgusting except for Sally and Georgia since they are thin. 

Georgia massages Sigma's back while cooling off the waves. Sigma feels bad for himself. He had lied to the Karens and all he wants to to have the ladies be respectful before he leaves. 

Sally bathing Devora's back and the white Karen had just died from the sun. She is now ashes. 

All the Karens and Sigma looked at the ashes. Sigma whispered to Sally that she is not the one. Georgia listens to their conversation between Sigma and Sally. She thinks they are the closest since both are young.  

Devora and Mrs. Dollarsign are playing volleyball as Devora thanks Mrs. Dollarsign for vaccinating her daughter. 

"It is no problem. You sure you are a busy mother, I am proud of you. Your daughter is not that good, but she needs improvements for grades and participates," Mrs. Dollarsign smiled.

Deora wants to go mad towards Mrs. Dollarsign but she took a big breath and calm down herself. She looks into a fat Karen who sees nothing but hates as she calls out that women need to go out and become real men. 

Devora and Mrs. Dollarsign both to the woman that they need to shut up. Sigma got up and spoke," Who are you? What are you doing here? Where are you from? When did you get here? Why are you doing this? How is this part of your life?"

"My name is Susan. I am doing a feminist campaign here at this beach. I am from Florida. I came around 9:30 to set up. We are willing to have all females to become like men. I just want to be like men," Susan answered. 

This last Sigma saw at his first day of work as the fat lady with rectangle glasses and dark brown poofy hair tells him that she is a Karen. 

But then she looks into Sigma and her heart skips a beat. 

"I cannot do this! I am lesbian. But why my heart goes to you?" Susan blushed and Sigma's tears wants to flow. 

"I hate you and you need to die!!!" Susan ran away and when Devora and Mrs. Dollarsign are angry and start chasing Susan. 

"Don't!!! Let me speak to her!!!" Sigma roared to the KArens and walked over to find Susan the SJW fatty. 

Down to the picnic court, Sigma sees Susan masterbating over anime man on her phone. 

Sigma grows to be disgust. He walks over to Susan and ask her, "Do ladies want to be like guys who have no life at all?"

Susan jump scare at Sigma and blush to him that she loves ANIME!!!

"Cute anime guys like them? You are just a potato losing your interest in life. What, do you want someone to love you?" Sigma grunted. 

"Yes. The first person I saw is you. I want you forever and ever and ever and ever and ever (she saying this over one hundred times)" Susan smiled so creepy Sigma backs off. 

"Sam!!! SAM!!!" the Karens yells to Sigma and sees a bunch of SJW females coming towards her for some of Sigma's ass. 

They are mothers who have a beer belly, thick glasses, and a "Love to be a Female" shirt on. 

"Back off! The leader of this group will take this man's life with my juicy ass! I wan tall you ladies have a piece of his hair each. I will rip one and give it to you," Susan is saying in a happy personally and she hears her members cheering. 

Sigma wants to cry, leaving a ugly face with snot inside of his nose. 

Then Devora and Mrs. Dollarsign both yelled, "STOP!!!!" 

Sigma's face became forzen.

"Don't you guys have husbands you did not divorce on?" Mrs. Dollarsign asked. 

"We are here for his body because we had divorce our husbands. We want him because he cares about widows who just want love!!!" Devora said without her yellings. As the two ladies say about being with your husbands, Sigma got impress. 

"NO!! I just my husband just for this man, you bitches!!!"Susan roared and all the SJW moms left while crying. 

"SIgma is mine and therefore you hoes are gonna lick my ass!!! He is like an anime man!!!" Susan roared. 

"Don't do this!!! Please! Let's be friends and go along with SIgma! Control yourself!!!!" Georgia cried after she ran towards Susan. 

"I want you girls to have a water gun battle. If the last one stands, you will get the anime man!!!" Susan glared everyone. 

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