Chapter 7

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Five ladies preparing the water guns that they purchase at a local store. 

The area takes place at the space they gang is on. Sigma watches the Karens play and when Susan announces them to begins, they are hosing at each other. 

Sigma hears the moans and sees the wet bodies of the Karens. He want to die. But when he notice that Georgia duck from Susan's attack, she ran and fire her gun at the fat SJW's face. 

Sigma does not know about Medea the demon queen. 

Sally fires at Devora and Mrs. Dollarsign while Susan is panting. 

Georgia runs around in circles and fires all the Karens. She sees her gun is running low so she must reload it at the waves. 

Sigma do not want to cheer for Georgia as she is getting hit by the rest of the Karens while reloading. 

Until then Georgia smiled back at everyone and uses her hands to slash the Karens' face, falling down to the sand. Sally is about to be fallen but Sigma catches her with his bare hands. 

"Do you know more information about Medea the demon queen?" Sigma whispered. 

"I know she is fast and it could not be Georgia. She is nice  at all and uses to work with the army before," Sally said. 

Georgia apolizized to everyone that she was in the army before. 

"We should go back. I want to go home and shower," Devora said. 

"I want to eat something. Hey, we ladies should have a dinner night out at a restaurant I love a long time ago. Me and..... Hold up, I have to make a phone call," Mrs. Dollarsign ran off to grab her bag and go straignt to the ladies' restroom. 

"Me and my husband? Was that the one she would say?" Sigma asked himself. 

"Yeah, a long time, me and my husband would go out and have fun. This is your fault, Sigma!!! Without my husband, I would end up with stress and hate by people around me!!! I cannot belive this is your fault that your beauty affects my life!!!! I hate you!!!" Devora screamed and grabs her belongings. She stomp out of the area with tears around her eyes. 

"Lady, I did not love you in the first place!!!" Sigma thought. 

"My husband was dead a long time ago. No men actually like me besides you and Daryl," Sally moans. 

Georgia looks took her belongings also and walked out. She puts a note on Sigma's back with a smile. 

Sigma did not notice the long nose walking away. Susan still wants Sigma until Georgia tells the remaining members she is having a house party tonight. 

Susan's eye were on fire and wants SIgma so bad. 

"Me and Sally would like to come," Sigma said with a smile. Georgia's face grew up to have a big expression. She walks away. 

At the house, Sigma wants Daryl to come over the party. 

"Nah, man. I hate Karens except for Sally. She is nice. But I have a business to do for college," Darly refuse to go. 

"Alright, man. Do what you have to do," Sigma smiled with his hair up and borrowing Daryl's red suit. He looks himself on the mirror, thinking of Daryl. 

Three days ago when Sigma enters the rainning Earth, he does not know nothing about this world. He walks around in nude to ask for a house. People are laughing at him for being naked while he covered his crotch with his hands. 

When Daryl was exiting the store for food, he sees Sigma sitting down on a bench with an empty stomach. 

He patted his stomach and heard a growl. Daryl walked up to him and asked, "You look hungry and lonely. Come to my house for something to eat. I am making pasta tonight," Daryl smiled. 

"I rather live here and learn my mistakes for now on," Sigma said with disappointment. 

"Learning your mistakes is a very long time to understand it. Let me take you to my house. I cannot leave a young man who learns a lot around his time at the streets like this," Daryl grabs Sigma's left arm. 

At Daryl's house where it is small but comfortable to live, Sigma gnaw down the pasta Daryl made and give him big burp. 

"Damn!!! My turn," Daryl glups some of the new soda he brought from the store and threw a biggest burp ever. They both laugh and continue eating. 

When it is midnight, Sigma said to Daryl that he want to go back home and fix his mistakes. 

"A murderer can fix it but people will not like you at all," Daryl said while lying down on his bed. 

"Why did you work there for the rest of your life?" Sigma asked. 

"I need money for college. I want to go to college so I can get my degree as a scientist. I want to make medicine for curing cancer," Daryl looks down and sees the empty life he had been suffering from work. 

"Minumum wages and annoying customers are a pain, but I can handle with it," he continues. 

"Yeah. Someday, I want to give you a thank you gift," Sigma looks at his new friend, sleeping for tomorrow's work.  


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