Attack On The Castle

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It's been only a couple of days since Megabug was defeated by our unstoppable heroes. They knew the next attack was coming soon, but... They had no idea when it would come... Whenever it was, they think they are prepared. There is no one that wants to kill this evil Ztar God more than the Star God himself.

Turco: ... *Sighs* Dark Star... Grrr...

Infinite: Hey, calm down, bro. Being angry ain't going to help anything.

Turco: I know... It's just gonna be very hard to control my anger towards him...

Infinite: We'll get through this. We've gotten through worse.

Turco: Yeah...

A yellow Inkling sits next to him. His wife, Jen.

Jen: *Kisses him on the cheek*

Turco: Mmm... Hey, sweetie...

Jen: Heya, Turco.

Jen is a few weeks pregnant with their upcoming son. Turco knows he must keep both of them safe, along with his daughter from that evil Ztar God.

Laura: ...Are you sure you're okay...?

Turco: Yes... No... Yes... Damn it...

Infinite: I know you're stressed bro, but please calm down...

Luna comes forward and puts her hand on Turco's forehead, and fills the Star God with a bit of Hope.

Turco: Mmm... I needed that...

Luna: You're welcome, Uncle Turco.

A smol green Inkling jumps on Laura's shoulders. It's his granddaughter from the future.

Emily: I'm so worried about Grandpa...

Future Comet gently ruffles Emily's hair.

Future Comet: I am too... Something has to be done about his anger.

Emily: *Purrs a little*

???: Exactly, brother.

Laura: !

A male blue Inkling walks into the room. Turco's son from the future.

Percy: Father's anger is not improved at all in the future. If something is to be done, now is the best time.

Future Comet: *Nods*

Francis then walks into the room, having a few pills in his hand.

Francis: Maybe these can help.

Turco: Wot?

Francis: These pills greatly reduce stress and anger.

Turco: ...So, drugs.

Jen: *Whispers* Honey, no...

Francis: *Chuckles* Don't worry, you won't go on a drug trip. I take great care when doing stuff like this.

Turco: I have huge trust issues when it comes to pills.

Laura: Dad, please take one...

Turco: ...How long do the effects last for?

Francis: About... Five or six hours.

Turco: ...That won't even last one battle against him.

Jen: :(

Francis: *Sighs and puts the pills away* Well, it was worth an attempt.

Percy: Father... I can't afford an anger outburst from you at ALL during this war. Your anger leads to VERY bad consequences in the future.

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