Luna's Birthday!

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Turco: ...Uhhhhh, bro? How do we make up a good intro for this party chapter?

Infinite: Hmm?

Turco: According to the creator, a birthday party is happening today. Nothing related to this war.

Infinite: Ah...

Turco: ...Wait, was that the intro? Ah, goddammit!

Infinite: *Shrugs*

Luna: *Lands on Turco* Who cares?!

Turco: OOF!


Crystal: Right you are, my little superstar!

Luna: *Tail wags really fast*

Infinite: Aww...

Turco: Can you get off me...?

Luna: Oh- Hehe! Sorry, Uncle Turco! *Steps off*

Turco: *Stands back up*

Infinite: Heh heh.

Snow: *Lands on Luna's shoulders* Happy Birthday, Momma!

Luna: Aww, thanks Snow!

Deathwind: The Jackals have set up all sorts of party games for my granddaughter!

Luna: :o

Infinite: Oooh!

Luna: Yay! :D *Tail wags again*

Jen: Ahhh, glad we can relax for today...

Turco: Damn right. Today, we do not have to worry about the war at all. Dark Star even told me in a truce meeting a few hours ago that he will allow us to take today off.

Infinite: *Spits his Fanta out in surprise*

Turco: I see that shocks you, bro.

Infinite: Y-yeah...

Turco: Why?

Infinite: You'd think he wouldn't give a shit...

Turco: Well... He also said he'll allow us to have one more celebration before he utterly destroys us.

Infinite: ...Okay.

Luna: ^w^

Laura: What game are we playing first-

Fishy: *Running away* AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

Mario: Chasing HEY! GET BACK HERE! MAMAF***ER! We gotta play Pin The Tail On The Boopkins! Get back here! D:<


Luna: *Grabs Mario*

Mario: Wah?!

Luna: No. None of that.

Mario: >:(

Infinite: Poor Fishy already has a scar from when you last played that game.

Fishy: :(

Mario: ... *PewDiePie voice* I DON'T CARE!

Luna: *Smaccs him*

Mario: D:

Luna: Stop it. Stop it. Okay?

Mario: *Nods*

Luna: Alright.

Mario: *Nods again*

Laura: ...Back to what I said... What activity are we doing first? :3

Luna: There's so much...! *Tail wagging*

Snow: Whoa, Momma!

Crystal: Having a hard time deciding, sweetie?

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