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Final Dark Bowser: *Roars loudly*

Laura: GO!!! ATTACK NOW!!!

The fleet of airships controlled by the heroes starts firing at the bad guys.

Final Dark Bowser: Slaughter them all! The Grand Finale is inevitable!

Purple Alloy: FIGHT BACK!!!

The Cultists on the fleet of airships controlled by the bad guys fight back, attempting to stop the heroes.

Laura: Grrr! Out of the way!

The two fleets of airships come into contact, and the big Raid begins. Star Children, Jackals, and Cultists jump on each other's airships to fight each other.

Percy: *Jumps on a Ztar Airship and starts freezing lots of Cultists*

Future Emilia: *Follows right behind him*

Percy: Find the engine and hack it! Make this airship fight for us instead!

Future Emilia: On it!

Future Emilia jumps up and stomps the deck, breaking through and falling to a lower level.

Cultist 1: *Metal Gear Solid detected SFX*

Future Emilia: Hi! :D *Decapitates him with an uppercut*

Cultist 1: X_X


Future Emilia: Can't catch me! >:3

Future Emilia simply snaps her fingers, which makes half of the cultists explode into blood and intestines.

Cultists: O_O

Future Emilia: Hehehe!

Cultist Gunner: SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIEND! *Shoots at Future Emilia*

Future Emilia: *Sidestepping* Missedmissedmissedmissedmissedmissedmissedmissedmissedmissedmissed!

Cultist Gunner: THIS IS BULLSHET!

Future Emilia: >:3

Future Emilia grabs the Cultist Gunner and starts using it as a shield.

Cultist Gunner: HEY! Put me down, you bitch!

Future Emilia: Nah!

Future Emilia charges through the rest of the Cultists, using the Cultist Gunner to shield her.

Cultist Gunner: *Sr. Pelo screaming*

Future Emilia: *Throws him out a window*

Cultist Gunner: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...

Future Emilia: Haha! Now... Where's that engine? Oh!

Future Emilia approaches the engine.

Future Emilia: Superior hacking skills... Activate!

Future Emilia summons her sword and slashes the engine, which somehow reprogram it to fight for the good guys.

Future Emilia: ...Uhhh, I'll take it. It's on our side now, I'm not complaining. :3

Percy: Emilia!

Future Emilia: !

Percy: *Runs down* Did it work?

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