Light VS. Dark (Part 3/3)

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Laura: ...

Giga Dark Bowser: Heh heh heh heh heh heh... Father...

The dust and smoke clears away from the mountain, revealing two glowing yellow eyes.

Star: O_O

Laura: There he is...

Infinite: Dark Bowser, you are about to get a serious ass-whooping!

Giga Dark Bowser: *Laughs* We will see!

Omega Star steps out of his mountain, letting out and ear-piercing roar.

Smesh: WHOA!

Cristina: HOLY SHITE!

Giga Dark Bowser: ...Father...

Omega Star: Son... This ends here and now.

Giga Dark Bowser: You knew this day was coming, father. You and my "siblings" made me this way. I swore revenge, and I'm gonna get it.

Omega Star: Your thing you call revenge will not come, my son. You have done too much damage to the Stars and the Multiverse. I've wanted you to live on and hopefully realize what you're doing, but it's come to my attention your mind has been swallowed and corrupted by darkness. I really hate to be the one to do it, but you must be put down before you cause any more damage.

Giga Dark Bowser: GWAHAHAHAHAHA! You foolish Creator! You of all the Stars should realize my threat level! I have gained enough power to rival even you! Once I'm done with you, the Grand Finale will fall on the Multiverse! The Ztars will rule!

Laura: Oh, man... Great-Grandfather, be careful, please!

Jacqueline: Crap... I can already tell this is gonna be a destructive battle...

Jacqueline activates one of her spells and summons a highly durable shield around the heroes.

Cristina: Ah, good thinking, sister!

Deathwind: Will this protect us?

Jacqueline: ...I hope...

Lizzie: Oof...

Jen: *Pats Lizzie*

Star: Omega Star... He looks cool...

Crystal: Hehe... But he must fight for us...

Laura: Only he stands a chance now...

Luna: ...

Giga Dark Bowser: *Amulet glows* Let us begin, Father. I'll allow you to fight one last time before I crush the Stars.

Omega Star: As I said... I hate to be the one, but you gotta go away.

Giga Dark Bowser: *Laughs*

Giga Dark Bowser withdraws into his Shell and starts spinning rapidly.

Omega Star: !

Giga Dark Bowser: *Slams into Omega Star*

Omega Star: Agh!

Giga Dark Bowser: *Breathes scorching hot multicolored fire on him*

Omega Star: Ngh...

Omega Star shoots light beams from his eyes through the flames and hits Giga Dark Bowser.

Giga Dark Bowser: Oof!

Dark Star's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now