Smol Chapter: New Allies

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Splendid: Turco.  I have a scientist who could help us.

Turco: Hmm?

Splendid: Yep!  Hey Azura!

A girl with blue hair and a lab coat walks in.

Turco: Ah, this gal.

Splendid: She can help!  She has an incredible IQ and she’s good in a fight!

Turco: Yeah, I know who she is.

Azura: Also I can do some good in a battle. If you need proof, I can spar with someone.

Turco: I know you're tough. You tried to help me when I was possessed by Witherzilla and I ended up accidentally breathing fire on you.

Azura: :/

Infinite: Let’s see how good she is in a fight. *Calls a Jackal soldier to spar with her*

Turco: Go ahead.

Jackal: *Attacks*

Azura: *Dodges and lands some solid powerful blows on him*

Turco: Nice.

Splendid: Not only that...

Azura: *Changes into her battle outfit which lets her fly and has lasers and arm blades*

Turco: !

Azura: What do you think?

Turco: Nice!

Splendid: Can she help us then?

Turco: Sure!

Splendid: Thanks!

Azura: I promise I won’t let you down!

Meanwhile, back on Planet Blade...

Percy: ... *Pulls out his Time Traveling Phone and calls someone in the future* Please pick up...

Future Emilia: Hello?

Percy: Hey, how's the future?

Future Emilia: It’s good!

Percy: Thank god... Things are not so good back here, though...

Future Emilia: You want me to come there, sweetie?

Percy: ...Tempting... Are you sure? This Multiverse could potentially collapse because of all the time travel.

Future Emilia: Yes I’m sure.

Percy: ...Very well. By the way, how come you didn't tell me that you in the past was so cute and adorable?

Future Emilia: It uh... I was just embarrassed...

Percy: *Chuckles*

Future Emilia: Hold on and I’ll be there in a minute.

Percy: Alrighty.

Future Emilia: *Arrives a few minutes later*

Percy: Oh!

Future Emilia: Hey! *Kisses his cheek*

Percy: Heya!

Future Emilia: I’m here to help.

Percy: Okay, good.

Future Emilia: *Kisses him*

Percy: *Kisses back*

Future Emilia: *Pulls away*

Percy: *Smiles* Glad you're here. Things are starting to go way downhill here.

Future Emilia: I heard. *Sees her young self running around with Snow* Aww... Snow and I are still friends after all that time...

Percy: Yeah. :3

Future Emilia: Anyways.  I’ll be here to help the whole way!

Percy: Thank you.


Ersai: ...Kylie... I will save you from Dark Star... *Vanishes*

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