Final Plan

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Infinite: Dad, how are the miners?

Deathwind: Doing very well. They came across some Cultists trying to stop them, but the Jackal Elite and Elite Star Children protected them.

Infinite: That's good. Status report?

Deathwind: Almost all of the remaining ores of Rainbow Light have been dug up, and only ten Rainbow Medals remain.

Infinite: Amazing. Soon enough, we can shatter that barrier.

Percy: Mmhmm.

Laura: And launch an attack on his poor-ass excuse of a shrine... *Growls*

Nick: *Hugs Laura*

Future Comet: ...I want sweet, sweet vengeance on Dark Star for making me kill Emily... She was just a child...!

Luna: ...

Generous: Amethyst... *Sniff*

Laura: ...And Starla... She fought very bravely... She's like a sister to me...

Smesh: We'll avenge everyone. We will make Dark Star and his followers see firsthand what happens when they mess with us.

Jen: ...

Luna: You okay, Aunt Jen...?

Jen: ...No... Turco...

Infinite: We'll get him back.

Meanwhile, Snow was on the rooftops of Blade's castle, doing some parkour to test her own speed, reflexes, and agility.

Snow: *Grunting, wall jumping, and roof jumping*

The smol wolf makes it to the quarter height of the castle.

Snow: Whoa... I'm pretty high up... Hehe! *Keeps climbing*

Seagull: ...

Snow: *Keeps climbing and wall jumping*

Seagull: Time to take a SHET. *Flies over Snow*

Snow: ! *Summons a shield of solid blood*

Seagull: ...You're no fun. ;(

Snow: *Rolls her eyes and keeps wall jumping*

Luna: Hmm?

Luna looks out one of the windows and sees her daughter climbing and wall jumping.

Snow: *Grunting*

Luna: :o

Snow: *Keeps climbing*

Luna: ...Makes me proud to see her getting stronger. :3

Luna begins to take the interior way up to the very top of the castle.

Snow: *Starts losing her grip* Uh oh... *Spin Dashes*

Snow Spin Dashes to another rooftop and stops.

Snow: Phew. That was close. How high now?

The smol wolf looks up and down, realizing she's at the halfway point.

Snow: ...Wow... Nice view... I wonder how the view is from the very top? *Continues climbing*

Higher up, Wario gets ready to break through a window.

Wario: Hehehe... Wario, number one! Wario! Wario, number one! Time to rob this castle- *Phone rings* Eh? *Answers*

Waluigi: What the hell is taking so long?! I've been waiting down here for two hours!

Wario: Scaling this castle wasn't easy, you idiot! I had to make sure I wasn't gonna fall!

Waluigi: Waahhh...

Dark Star's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now