Chapter 33

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Hazel's POV

It was now the next day, it was also later in the day since the beginning was just a repeat of yesterday. And according to Pope we were a little bit over half way to the Bahamas. (I don't really know how long it takes to get there, so that could be way off.)

Also, me and Pope woke up before Kiara and JJ so I filled him in on what happened when he was asleep. He wasn't to shocked by it.

"I think we should keep the boat going through the night so that we can get to the Bahamas in the morning," said Pope.

"What about you though, you are going to be tired," I said as I ate a sandwich.

"We can take turns," said Kiara.

"Do you guys even know how to read a map," said Pope. "Cause I'm not about to be lost at sea."

"Pope man, we all know how to read a map. It's just you know how to read one better," said JJ as he rolled his eyes.

"Okay fine then, we can all take turns the rest of the way to the Bahamas," said Pope. "But if I wake up and we are not where we are supposed to be, I'm going to be mad."

"Noted," I laughed as I took another bite out of my sandwich.

"Don't want to anger the mr Popestser," said JJ.

"What kinda name is that," said Pope.

"It's your rapper name," said JJ. Me and Kiara just looked at each other. Boys are weird. As JJ and Pope continued their conversation, I stood up and sat next to Kiara.

"I told you so," I said. When I said I was going to say that to Kiara when her and JJ made a move on each other, I meant it.

"Oh my god Hazel," groaned Kiara.

"Okay, but I need the details," I said. "Did you always like him or did you just kiss him for fun?"

"I mean I never thought about it until you brought it up. But then after that, I kept thinking about it, and I guess I do have a little crush," said Kie.

"Then are you guys together?" I asked. I fell asleep before I could listen to their conversation more, so I really wanted to know what happened after the kiss.

"We don't want to label anything till the whole John B stuff is over," said Kiara.

"Makes sense," I said.

"But do you think we should?" Asked Kiara.

"Should what?" I asked.

"Date. I mean we have been friends for a while but what if we break up. Then what?" Said Kiara. I knew what she was getting at. When me and Pope first started dating that was my biggest concern.

"I was scared about that as well, but me and Pope talked it out. We said that we would just try to be friends after. Obviously if someone cheats or something like that, we probably shouldn't be friend, but that's a whole different story. I would say just go for it and date him," I said. "And if JJ cheats on you, I don't think anyone would want to be friends with him."

"If JJ cheats on me I would kill him, no joke," laughed Kiara.

"Honestly, I would do the same with Pope," I said.

"Do what with me?" Asked Pope.

"Why can't you guys just mind your own business and not listen to your conversation," said Kiara.

"I heard my name," shrugged Pope.

"We said both of your guys's names a lot of times already," I said.

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