Tea Party Envy (Gwenda5) (1)

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Tea Party Envy

Ready or not this party has begun

And sitting beside me is a girl on the run

Pitifully dressed in layers of soot

Under the table is her bloody bare foot

Not one for manners she slurps at her tea

Zealously telling of a prince chasing feet

Everyone listens to such a pitiful tale

Lovers parted that she claims will prevail

Curling her finger with a short golden tress

I have been placed by a mad tangled mess

Never have I heard of such a terrible lie

Detained since her birth in a tower so high

Ethereal hair she claims they have sheared

Repulsive and ghastly instead should be feared

Even Little Red holds her tart in the air

Listening to accounts of a prince climbing hair

Loud and obnoxious this girl is so crude

And Snow with her dwarfs drinks tea like a fool

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