Cinderella's Journal Through Time (NehpetsEnal) FFF Entry (1)

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Cinderella's Journal Through Time

Day 1: 

It was the first day of our school trip around the solar system and we had journeyed to Mercury, the first rock from the sun, it was our intention to bathe in the Sun's corona, it sounded amazing but in reality, it was lunacy, the surface of the ship had more shielding than COVID 19, back in the 2020s. 

Day 2: 

Wow, if women truly came from Venus, all I can say is I know why they are so hot, but in truth, they should be ashes, the second rock from the sun is the hottest, a fact that surprised as it's not the closest. 

Day 3: 

Today we returned home, to the third rock from the sun, where we circled our blue planet and wondered at its perfection, all blue and white, it was a lonely paradise, we'd yet to find its equal in our search through the never-ending eternity of space, no matter what the maths told us. 

Day 4: 

Before beginning our trip to the outer planets, we visited the fourth rock from the sun, the last of the terrestrial planets and got to set foot on Mars, life here was still harsh, but new outposts were popping up like shiny mushrooms, all over the planet. I do not think it true that men come from Mars or we would all be coloured red and then the planet would not have lived through those ancient times when people had to ask what now seems a silly question, " Do black lives matter".

Day 5: 

With our sojourn over it was time to make our way to the first of the Gas Giants, Jupiter was the next planet on the route, it is hard to comprehend how enormous it was compared to our home planet. It was surreal, it took us longer to circumnavigate than it did to make the journey here from Mercury. It was a beast, that was always hungry, we saw it swallow meteorites as if they were no more than apple pips, the earth is just large enough to be the pupil of its stormy eye, but in the main, it was pretty boring, unless you were looking for a career in the Space Academy.

Day 6:

As we swung around the outer rings of Saturn, it all began to happen, our spherical cruiser began to bounce across its magnificent rings, thank goodness for our spherocytic stabilisation, we were only supposed to surf the outer rim of the solar system's most spectacular planet and generate an electrostatic rainbow in our wake, this was something else. 

The cruiser began to vibrate most peculiarly, until like some sort of bubble it split in two, the first shot off into space, continuing its journey as if nothing had happened, leaving the ship empty all bar a few like myself who were left standing at the holographic interface. At first, we did not know whether to be scared or excited, after all, we had the ship all to ourselves. 

It was not like we were helpless, we were part of the machine, created by the brightest and most talented on earth, but then we were still only characters left by the viewers who had been watching holographic stories, written in a time before people had even reached the skies, composed by the Brothers Grimm, from an ancient race that history tells us were known as German, obviously from a time when a person's sex mattered. 

It was only as we went to leave that we realised how things had changed, walking through the corridors we found ourselves transported into each other's worlds, where our characters become real. 

Now it was starting to get scary as some of the characters were quite nasty and could cause havoc, this was not necessarily a good thing, we would not want them to damage the ship. 

The Seven Dwarfs came marching down the corridor, which was now a tree-lined footpath, that wound its way through a forest, they were singing loudly Hi Ho Hi Ho and off to work, we go as they disappeared through the wall, which had become the entrance to a mine.

Further up the footpath we came across a cottage from one of the stories and could see a strange shaped person with rough hairy legs, shrouded in a red cloak and hood, knocking on the door. It answered a call from inside, by calling out it is OK Granny, it is only me with your shopping. It slipped inside and closed the door behind it, it was not long before we could hear an old lady scream, just like in the Little Red Riding Hood story, we all agreed this was not a good thing. 

Before we had time to decide what to do a sparkling crystal palace appeared, a beautifully dressed young woman came rushing down the stairs, she tripped a fell, losing one of her glass slippers, she had no time to pick it up, before she rushed into a carriage shaped like a pumpkin, that raced off through the palace gates, leaving a handsome young prince standing agape.

Day 7: 

This is getting weird, but it is more fun than being Cinderella cleaning up the ashes, century after century.... blink, blink, blink, flash. 

Oh damn, someone pressed the reset button.

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