Ploy (A_K_Villanueva) (1)

23 9 3


L-ost in a meadow full of thorns,

I-re and pique grow like horns.

T-ake thy lady on tis' party,

T-alk little or succumbs to acrimony.

L-eather shoes with metal armor,

E-merge through puddle by tremor.

R-ide in thy beast of furry skin,

E-at ivy to survive akin---

D-rive through madness on tis' spin.

R-est assure or wake no feel.

I-cy whisper amongst a hill.

D-ock nor hold---Celebrate in bay.

I-chor smells like golden hay.

N-ettle pricks felony,

G-et along with anomaly.

H-ail whilst heartless leeches,

O-ld hag of diabolic witches.

O-h, little woman cloaks on red,

D-ance within thy poisonous bed.

H-ell, alas, thy mistress arrival,

A-las, queen awaits rival.

N-ow, the story starts its plea,

S-lid a cup of venomous tea.

E-ngulf pieces from toxic chips,

L-ace an ear like fingertips.

A-mbrosian fragrant for a poison,

N-ever taste thy liquid of destruction---

D-oe, run away from annihilation!

G-et in feet, missy of crimson,

R-oll thy mind and hide behind treason.

E-arliest visitor been she,

T-ape a mouth for he.

E-asy, break tis' teacups.

L-et an escapade on teatime never stops.

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