my fear of escape! (Schwethz) FFF Entry (1)

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my fear of escape! - (I had selected Gretel, from Hansel and Gretel story for this journal entry!)

July 18


Hiding from the witch,

Behind the oven.

I am so upset and I don't even know where and how to begin with. I am writing this, for my own sake to let out the emotions that I am withholding within me, hiding from a witch at this hour of my day. And I thank myself for carrying this tiny notepad with me.

My palms are sweating right now, with all the things going on and I am not getting the grip of the pen I am holding on to so that I could write.

Howls can be heard from a distance of the wild wolves, that's been roaming in the forest as it is already twilight! The witch of this place will be anytime soon back from the hunt, with raw materials.

I am Gretel, the daughter of a woodcutter. We were living a happy life until my father married for the second time. And then the stepmother came and she became a true nuisance, for all of us even though I and my brother warned about the same to my father. But it seems he couldn't believe us and all of our sayings went to deaf ears.

Like one day, we were thrown out of our house and I and my brother were lost and abandoned in the thick forest.

We walked ahead and saw a gingerbread house with the aroma of cakes and confectionery coming up. Without knowing the trouble we are getting into, we knocked on the door and there an old lady came up and opened the door for us.

In the beginning, she was all sweet and helped us to get food. It was all tasty. But to our horror, she took my brother as a hostage as for the next eatery and made me her slave. I escaped somehow and now hiding in her own place watching my brother from a distance.

I need to save my brother, but I am losing all the patience, courage, and hope that I have within me. Seeing the witch and the way she is eating, I know I am losing this battle and will have to offer myself after my brother.

I can't lose this, I want a happy time again in our life along with my brother. I need to do something before the witch eats up my brother.

She has gone out for getting sugar for a big meal tonight. I know, today is the last day for me and my brother. If I didn't do anything, most probably I will not be doing anything in the future too.

I have got a plan. This witch will be using this big oven somehow. I will make her pay the price for whatever she has done till now.

I will push her into this oven and will escape from here along with my brother. Also, defending someone to save someone is considered legal. So, I am safe.

I am waiting till she comes and I can't wait to execute my plan and escape from here.

But thinking about getting caught seems to put me in a deafening silence and stop from blotting the ink. What if the plan didn't work out?

Will I die? Will I lose my brother to that witch?

No, I shall stop thinking negatively. God is with me, and he wouldn't support the bad witch as God is not that bad.

Why do I have to fear when I have my Lord within me?

I believe in superpower and yes, my Lord will help me and my brother in getting away from here safe and sound.

Bless us, Lord.


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