Tea Party conversation between - Cinderella - Tom Thumb (NehpetsEnal) (1)

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Tea Party conversation between - Cinderella – Tom Thumb

Centuries of tea parties have come and gone, and he is bored talking with Cinderella, is Tom ThumB.

"I am getting tired of this endless story, why did she wish me into this world, Tom moans and curses his muM."

"Now then Tom, that is not the way to talk about the one who bore yoU."

"Don't you think that from time to time, being me can also be a bitcH."

"Each of us has a cross to bear Cinders, wouldn't you be sick of being continually regurgitated from a dead animal's stomach, like vomiT."

"Remember this the next time you lose your glass slipper, dancing till midnight with the prince of the realM."

"Even so, Tom you live a happy life and should be thankful you do not live with an evil step mum, like I dO."

"Living In a palace without your true mum is not that greaT."

"Lucky me, when was the last time you looked straight ahead only to see someone's smelly feet, like this little fellA."

"And whilst at this table I have to watch that wretched wolf's every move, to make sure he does not get his filL."

"That is true his teeth still drip with saliva and look sharp enough to kilL."

"Oh Tom, don't be silly, you know he's not really your foE."

"My oh my you are full of wit, perhaps you would like to dance with him wearing a hot iron shoe, until the witching houR."

"There I go again, after all this time, you would have thought I would have learned to control my tongue, so perhaps it best I drink up my ale and leavE."

"How come you turn up to this convention year after year and perpetually moan, whilst slowly driving yourself around the benD."

"Under duress, most of the time, for my mum still thinks I'm young and full of fuN."

"Maybe next time it will be different for you and I."

"Better hope so, good God Cinders, how can you remain so optimistiC."

F/N: This is a double acrostic, not only is the title Cinderella Tom Thumb spelt by the leading letter of each sentence, but it is also spelt in reverse by the last letter of each sentence

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