'A' Japanese Phrases

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Aho (あほ): Moron in the Kansai dialect. Could also be used to state an action is stupid.

Aikawarazu (相変わらず): As usual. The same as always.

Aite (相手): Opponent.

Aitsu (あいつ): Rude way of saying THAT person.

Akan (あかん): The Kansai way of saying "no use" or "no good."

Akirameru (諦める): To give up.

Akuma (悪魔): Demon.

Arienai (有り得ない): Unbelievable. Impossible. In the Kansai dialect, this becomes ariehen.

Arubaito (アルバイト): Part-time work. Sometimes shortened to baito. Derived from the German word arbeit.

Arukimasu (歩きます): Walk.

Ashi (足): Leg

Atarimae (当たり前): Of course. Naturally.

Atsui (熱い): Hot.

Ayamaru (謝る): To apologize.

Ayashii (怪しい): Suspicious

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