6 Locations in Japan You Must Visit If You're An Anime Fan

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1. Dogo Onsen - There's nothing more anime than partaking in a nice, warm dip in a hot spring. If you want a hot spring episode of your very own, visit the Dogo Onsen in Ehime Prefecture. Dogo Onsen's popularity with the locals and tourists surged once the critically acclaimed Studio Ghibli film, Spirited Away, used the place as inspiration for Yubaba's bathhouse. You won't find any river gods or witches at Dogo Onsen, but you will find a rejuvenating experience that will refresh your mind and spirit.

2. Tokyo Anime Center - The Tokyo Anime Center is the perfect place for tourists to indulge in their love of anime because it was designed with that mind. Located on the fourth floor of the Akihabara UDX building near JR Akihabara Station, the Tokyo Anime Center provides anime information and entertainment for foreigners and Japanese residents. It regularly hosts live radio interviews with anime creators and voice actors, and holds events like autograph signings.

3. J-World Tokyo - J-World Tokyo is like a small-scale Disney World of Shonen Jump anime characters. The indoor amusement park in Ikebukuro's Sunshine City celebrates the biggest anime action franchises from the magazine like One Piece, Hunter X Hunter, and Dragon Ball Z. It's worth the price of admission for the amazing atmosphere alone.

4. Akihabara - Akihabara goes by many names: "Electric City," "Electric Town," "Akiba." For many anime fans dreaming of flying to Japan, Akihabara is simply known to them as the ultimate otaku destination. Akihabara is often characterized as the embodiment of anime culture and for very good reason. An insane amount of electronic shops and otaku-oriented venues are located here, welcoming you with its big and loud anime visuals. After buying all the anime and manga you can handle, you can unwind with a delightful meal at the various maid cafes and be treated like royalty, or simply enjoy a nice musical performance at AKB48's music theater.

5. Asagaya Anime Street - With Asagaya surrounded by many famous anime studios such as A-1 Pictures, Madhouse, and Production I.G, it makes sense to create an otaku paradise at the heart of anime culture. While it still has a way to go in catching up with Akihabara, Asagaya Anime Street is still worth visiting for its anime shops, theme cafés, and original character goods.

6. Tokyo Character Street - Anyone eager to spend their hard-earned money on anime merchandise will want to take their wallets to the Tokyo Character Street. The underground shopping street right below Tokyo Station features numerous item shops dedicated to the biggest anime and gaming franchises in Japan. There's the Studio Ghibli Official Shop, Hello Kitty Shop, Rilakkuma Store, the Pretty Cure Shop, and so much more.

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