'B' Japanese Phrases

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Baba (ばば): Old woman. The male version is jiji.

Baka (バカ): Stupid. Probably the most well-known rude Japanese swear word. The most well-known rude Anime word too.

Bakemono (化物): Monster.

Benkyou (勉強): Study. To learn.

Betsu Ni (別に): It's nothing. Nah. Nothing in particular.

Bijin (美人): Beauty.

Bikkuri Suru (びっくりする): To be shocked. Suru is often omitted.

Bimbo (貧乏): Poor. Lacking money. The opposite is kane mochi.

Bishounen (美少年): A beautiful young guy.

Bocchan (坊ちゃん): Occasionally used as a semi-derogative slang for rich boys. Also, the title of one of Japan's most famous novels.

Bouken (冒険): Adventure.

Bouzu (坊主): Small boy. The term actually means young monk but it came to be associated with young boys because young male Japanese students used to shave their heads bald.

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