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Sunday came and it was still very hectic for all of them in the diner. Her two hired crew had brought another boys of the same college. Hanbin, an accountancy student who was in charge in the cashier. Seungyoon and Seunghoon who were both fresh graduate of culinary and were both looking for some place to have experience in the kitchen. Jinu who was a newly wed man to his childhood sweetheart, was the one put in charge into managing the whole diner. 

It was very busy still but Dara was thankful to have two assistants in the kitchen in which gave her a chance to go out into the dinner and see for herself that it was indeed crazy around the diner. She saw Bobby and Mino running here and there, getting orders,delivering it to the right tables. Hanbin had worked efficiently in the register while Jinu was the one relaying the order to the kitchen and helping out every once in a while in waiting tables.

Dara realized that she still short of staffs and noted to her mind that she'll hire more people. Maybe she'll open the next building that his grandfather bought for her grandma for expansion. Maybe she'll be able to have expansion earlier that expected then. Her attention went to the four girls outside the diner and kept on looking for the people inside. She thought they weren't customer since they were not fell on line of the people outside the diner.

Looking one last time to the operation in the diner, she decided to get out the diner to go and check on those girls. She excused herself from the people in line and made it to those girls who slightly jumped when she cheerfully greeted them.

"Hi," Dara started with a wide smile to her face before her eyes fell to the brown envelope to each of the hands of the girls. "Looking for a job?"

The girls stared at each other before they bowed their heads and nodded.

"We came from Busan and thought of looking for a part time while we train in idol agency." the one with black hair, said.

"Are you applying inside too?" Asked the other girl to her.

"Yeah because it looks like it's so busy in there." Said the other girls.

"I'm Dara. How about your girls?"




"And we have tried to other convenience stores and other diners. But they only accept either one or two." Jennie girl pouted.

"But it looks like the diner owner only hired male staffs around." Jisoo said.

"Are you rejected though?" Rose asked while Lalisa was busily looking inside the diner.

"Looks like it. No female staff inside." Lisa then said.

Dara was very entertained to the girls while she only let them on their little cute musings.

"Girls please follow me inside." Dara eventually said and went into the back door of the diner.

The girls only followed Dara and got inside the diner. They then found themselves sitting inside the mini office. Dara sat on the table and faced the girls, ready to discuss into hiring them when Jinu got inside the office.

"Dara-shi, this is the papers for the meat delivery everyday." Jinu said handing Dara list.

"How about our beverages?" Dara asked.

"I've contacted two suppliers. I need to meet them in the afternoon but my hands are tied here. Then there's matter in the fresh pick of the vegetables, fruits and some goods." Jinu said as if being beaten badly.

"Okay. Thank you, Jinu. I'll have this arrange, okay?"

Jinu then left the office while Dara eyed the girls this time.

"I think that's some of the reasons I need more staffs and female ones if I might add." Dara chuckled.

The girls looked at each other then before turning to Dara across the table.

"Are you the owner here?" Jennie asked.

"Yeah. I just opened the diner yesterday and I'm seriously lack of staffs. Do you all want to work with me?" Dara asked.

The girls went into thrilling squeals as they hugged each other and they nodded to Dara.

The next moment, Dara had discussed their wages, benefits and their tasks in which they made some few compromises for a win win on their sides. Dara didn't want the girls to work and sacrifice their dreams, they can still have trainings in some days while the rest of the days were spent on the part time.

That day went smooth until afternoon came where the diner had came into close after the pantry came empty again with few people outside left unserved. Jinu had apologized for them and asked them to come early next time.

At five in the afternoon, Dara had gathered her crew where she introduced her newly hired female staffs.

"Okay boys, I know these girls are beautiful but let's make this place comfortable for them to work." Dara reminded since Mino and Bobby were eyeing the girls with interest. Yoon and Hoon had also secretly did the same.

The boys coughed awkwardly when Dara pointed it out. Before proceeding for more, she reached towards the cat who walked lazily to her this time.

"Come here, honey." Dara beamed and placed the cat to her lap and resume to her meeting.

Jennie and Jisoo were in charge into restocking the pantries and answering the deliveries.

Lalisa and Rose will help on waiting tables.

"Miss Dara, why not open the diner everyday instead of only on weekends?" Jinu raised.

Dara blinked at him and smiled. "Oh about that, I'm still studying and I need to attend school on weekdays."

"Are you still student?" Hanbin was very surprise to know that.

Dara nodded. "If I open on weekdays, Hanbin wont be here, I wont be here, Mino and Bobby too."

"We can fill for their absences, ms. Dara." Jennie said while the rest of the girls nodded.

"How about your trainings?"

"We only have few practices in one week." Lisa answered.

"We can also come here during our vacant schedules." Mino also pitched in.

Dara turned to Jinu this time. "Please arrange things for me."

Jinu nodded before turning to the crew in serious face. "Girls, give me your schedules and you too, Bobby and Mino."

They all nodded to Jinu this time while Dara stood up.

"I'm gonna go first guys and Jinu please brief them for more. If you needed more people to work on weekdays, you can hire for more. If you can, can you find me a contractor for our expansion."

"Expansion?" Hoon asked.

Dara pointed at the adjoined building of their diner this time. "We'll have it open after its renovations."

"Whoa, looks like we gonna have a restaurant instead of a small diner." Yoon said. "Maybe we can introduce new menu, miss Dara."

"That would be awesome." Dara said while Yoon and Hoon actually high-five excitedly since they can practice their craft while working.

Dara then walked toward the door while talking gently to her cat.

"Please take care, Dara-shi!" the diner's crew bowed down to her while Dara waved cheerfully at them. She then started walking on the street not seeing how she looked adorable to the eyes of her crew when she talked to her grumpy cat.

Later at night, Dara was done washing dishes and was just hanging around the living room with her cat.

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