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Morning came and Dara found herself slowly tracing her way out her room. She sniffed a delicious smelling food being cooked in the kitchen.

"You're cooking?" Dara appeared in the counter behind Jiyong this time.

"I got tired of waiting for you to wake up and I'm hungry."

"Sorry. I feel so tired." she said while noticing just now what he was wearing. "Hey, is that my grandpa's?"

Jiyong looked down to his clothes right now and nodded. "I need to blend it. Aren't you attending school?"

Dara let a small cheerful face while she studied his wholeness briefly. Even in grandpa's clothes, he still looked handsome. Maybe it contributed to his alien genes?

"You look good on it." she complimented. "And yeah, I'm attending school today."

"Aren't you late?"

"No. My class starts at ten." she said reaching to get some juice in the cooler and get one glass. She walked to the table and poured the melon juice on the glass.

Not a while, Jiyon placed a scrambled eggs and some bacon to her plate. Scooping the hot rice on the cooker, she placed one to Jiyong's too.

"Are aliens like you, know how to cook human food?"

"First, stop calling me an alien. To me you're an alien too. Second, stop asking stupid question and hurry up in eating unless you want to ditch school."

Dara frowned at him while she picked her chopsticks and began eating. "You're so snippety."

"Hurry up smidgen." Jiyong said instead.

"I'm not small."

"You are to me. Eat properly. You look like a smidgen peanut."

"I want my cat back."

"Yeah, about that. You need to find another one."

Dara grumbled under her breath and glared at him across the table. "Grouchy snippety alien you are."

"Smidgen alien you are." Jiyong shot back too.

Walking towards the diner, Dara and Jiyong didn't notice the diner crew looking at them when they got finally inside.

"Unnie, we saw the news." Jennie was the one on the door while behind her were Jisoo, Lisa and Rose.

"Are you alright?" Lisa approached her as well as Rose.

Jisoo on the other hand, had her attention behind Dara this time.

"Please come this way sir."she said.

Jiyong only regarded Jisoo in boredom. "I'm not a customer and she's late. Are you done here, Dara?"

Dara's nose wrinkled briefly before she turned to Jiyong. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. You impatient person."

"Oh. He's the childhood friend?" Jisoo inquired.

Dara turned to them. "I'm alright now girls. I'm just dropping briefly."

"Please take care, unnie-ah." Jennie said as well as the girls.

"Thanks. I'm leaving. Tell Jinu I will be in the office in the afternoon." Dara said and turned back outside the diner.

"Hey Dara!" Il Woo came running towards her direction this time.

"Ill Woo shi."

"I thought I could find you here." he said while noticing the ' childhood friend ' beside Dara this time. "Let's go?"

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