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Wednesday came and Dara's routine came by like those ordinary days. She went to school after checking her diner then went back to help around after school.  She spent her time mostly on her office, evaluating the sales according to Jinu's record and arranging some papers to be processed. Before she noticed it, it was already seven in the evening and the diner was already closed, leaving her alone in there with all her staffs gone to their respective places this time.

"I didn't notice the time." Dara stretched to her chair as her attention directed to her cat this time. "Jiyong-ah? Aren't you hungry, honey?"

The cat meowed in bored tone while eyeing her on its nonchalant demeanor.

Dara just chuckled and stood up to get her bag this time, ready to live.

"I'm done for the night. Let's go, baby?" she gently grabbed the cat to her arms this time, reaching the key to the desk this time. When she went to close the back door of the diner, she then proceeded into walking towards her place this time.

"You know, you gotta admit, Yoon and Hoon's cooking is fattening you up a little." Dara said while the cat just looked ahead of them without responding. As they went pass the playground, she felt the goosebumps again that made her looked at her side this time when she felt it again.

Her heart then thumped fast when she saw two dark silhouettes near the swing. For unknown reason she felt afraid of them that she instantly scurried away from the place in a run. She felt her hair stood up in nervousness when she saw those two followed her literally. She ran fast this time, ignoring how she held Jiyong tightly across her chest. Her bag bounced up and down while she ran so fast, can't help but turned her head to see if she was still being followed. Her eyes widened upon confirming that those two dark silhouettes were two grown men with masks.

Dara then reached the door to her place first and unlock the door in shaky hands. Just before the men could grab her, she was able to shut the door to their faces in which the door beeped in automatic lock this time. She was literally standing in front of the door with wide eyes this time, heavily panting with nervousness.

After a while, she was awaken with the cat's meowing this time.

"Oh I'm sorry, baby." Dara let go of the cat to the floor and decided to reach for her phone to call the police when her door knob was as if  being forced to be opened. Her nervousness instantly shot up to the ceiling as she looked down to her phone and dialed the emergency fast. However, just before she can hit the button, the door was forcefully open, making her scream loudly.

Dara hastily ran up her stairs this time even though she knew that the men already an in inch away behind her.

"Help!" Dara screamed at the top of her lungs while running to her room. Reaching her knob, she stirred it open, went inside it and slammed the door close. A hand stopped it from being closed this time that she screamed in hysterics this time. Being a woman, she was overpowered with the men forcefully pushing the door from the outside. She was sprawled down the floor this time with a cat beside her. She immediately hugged the cat in fright and in trembling before she looked up to the men towering in front of her now.

Her throat dried up and her tears welled up to her eyes. "Wh-what do you want?"

The two men looked to each other before unmasking themselves now.

Two familiar men registered to her eyes now but she didn't really care as she slowly readied herself to escape from there. When she was about to ran away again, she was slammed back down the floor with a man hovering her this time.

"NO!" Dara screamed but were muffled with a cloth. Dara felt so horrified this time but her attention turned to her cat when the other guy kicked it mercilessly away from them. She tried to kick the guy away from her, angry that they hurt her cat.

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