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Dara stiffened while her eyes went to her poor overturned table which kissed the wall before she regarded Jiyong with a shock expression. He had his fists in tight clench an indication that he was mad.

"Dara-shi? Are you alright in there? What was that sound?" Jinu's voice woke her up to her senses as the manager kept on banging the door and tried to open it but it was locked from the inside.

Just before she could answer her manager, there was a thud that follows behind the door. She saw Jiyong raised a hand and thought he had done it again, casting a spell.

She thought he wasn't supposed to cast a spell outside her house for it might led those human who confined him to his location. But he was being casual about it that it angered her. No she wasn't mad about the flipped table or her manager who might have been in deep unconsciousness right now but to the fact that he was being nonchalant over his own safety of being detected by casting spells.

"Stop it. What the hell were you thinking?" she spatted with a frown but then when she saw the change on his eyes, it made her shut up instead.

Jiyong wasn't saying anything but her reaction towards him was enough for him to open the door and left from that place.

Dara weakly limped down her chair as she ushered Jiyong outside her office with her eyes and breathe out. Her adrenaline only shot up the ceiling upon seeing Jinu's frame in the floor that it made her ran to help him up the floor.

"Jinu-ah? Jinu-ah? Wake up." she called out but when she saw he wasn't budging, she made him leaned his back on the wall and ran towards the main floor to ask for help from Mino or Bobby but her mouth gaped open when all of the people in there including few customers had literally lost their consciousness on their respective tables. Bobby and Mino were both in the floor along with their trays and some few broken dishes in the floor. She ran to see if they're alright as well as the customers. Then smelling something in the kitchen, she bolted a run to the kitchen, suspecting an open stove left open.

When she got in there, she stopped at the door when she saw Jiyong turning off the stove himself. Dara immediately ran to Yoon and Hoon to see if they were unharmed. When she finished to do so, she looked up to Jiyong in angry face.

"What the hell, Jiyong?" she snapped.

But Jiyong didn't say anything, mumbled something under his breath before he stepped towards the door. Dara wanted to follow him and settle score with him but she can't possibly leave her unconscious crew behind.

"They'll be awake in half an hour. I apologize for bringing so much trouble to you." he said in low voice, exiting from the diner.

Dara could only follow him with her eyes as he wore his hood to his head and walked towards the direction of the said untouched forest in the community. She can't do anything but heaved a deep sigh since it has been very frequent that her mind was in total disarray. Frustrated over everything, she planted her hand to her face before she went into securing Mino and Bobby from their uncomfortable position in the floor. She had also cleaned away the broken dishes and decided to continue cooking in behalf of Yoon and Hoon in the kitchen.

Just like what Jiyong said, after a given period, everybody woke up from their deep sleep and a little bit disoriented while Dara just served them a hot potato soup with hint of ginseng to relax their nerves-her crew and the customers.

"What happened?" Bobby was one to ask while holding his own head as Mino had no words to say but leaned down his head as if too sleepy to even speak.

"You guys should go home early." Dara could only heaved a deep sigh after.

Another day came quite eventful for Dara again that she found herself so worn out when she got in the house. Her eyes automatically went into the living space and found the glass table in there to be empty of her expected flowers. When she saw the lights emitting from Jiyong's room, she had no idea why it made her calm down a bit knowing that he didn't run away like the last the time again.

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