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Running towards the kitchen door towards main floor of the diner, Jiyong turned towards her this time.

"Stay here." he said, pushing her lightly inside the kitchen.

But when Dara heard that there seemed to be more smashing and violent crashing in there, she couldn't help it anymore as she dashed outside the kitchen. In there, she saw the familiar thugs from that night and the women hovered in the far corner of the diner looking so frightened more than ever.

There were some tables being overturned and her diner's wall crash with few chairs. Even her door was smashed broken into rubbles that she felt so angry about it. She saw that those thugs were already engaged into a fight with somebody else and Dara saw it again.

That red demon as she called it since it had red locks and one horn protruding above his head

She was rooted on her spot like those two women while being a spectator in a bloody fight of humans against such being. At first it was frontal to frontal battle where it was obvious that no human could ever equal the demon's strength. Then five men had readied their guns and pointed at Jiyong that her breathed picked up to notch.

And before she realized it, she was calling his name.

"Jiyong..." She expected it to be a scream but it only came a whisper as her eyes widened in shock.

Distracted over the voice who called him, Jiyong turned his head behind him only to be utterly taken aback with Dara's presence there, looking at him in the same fright she wore that night.

His eyes widened in panic as he lost inhibition in continuing the fight since he was more inclined into hiding his hideous self from her eyes. Seeing his own distraction, the thugs used it against him as they immediately hit him in the head using the bat, making Jiyong sprawled down the ground. Instead of fighting back, he curled in the floor, hid his face from her gaze this time while the thugs kept on kicking him, beating him with hits on his head, on his shoulders, his back and almost everywhere as if they intended to really kill him.

Dara, seeing another violence was instantly sent into immobility as the scene of her grandfather played behind her head that she literally cried and sobbed without a sound. She heard her heavy breathing to her ears as she shivered with intensity right now. She hugged herself again in protection for herself.

There was continued beating of those thugs cursing such demon walking among the humans as they were unhesitant in hitting Jiyong in every places.

Jiyong on the other hand, had only one thing in mind, chanting it again and again as if he wanted to disappear there. Away from her eyes.

Don't look.

Turn away.

Don't look.

Don't let her see me.

Don't. Please don't.

And even pain had already been unbearable, Jiyong wont budge into curling up, scared for making her consider him a monster. No, he can't bare such look she gave her every time. It was enough to kill him at his core. So he'll receive the beatings instead even if it will claim his life.

Dara whose face was beaten with much trauma looked up upon remembering Jiyong. With shaking frame she stood up, grabbed those broken shard around and hollered it to the men kicking Jiyong now.

The shard actually hit the face of one men that they all stopped from beating Jiyong this time and faced towards her.

"So this is the owner of the diner, huh?" one men spoke before raising his gun to her. "Let's forget having a deal eh?"

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