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Dara walked towards the kitchen one night after she studied for her papers on her room. Her eyes went to the couch in the living when she saw Jiyong over there. Watching the television. However, her brows wrinkled when he seemed to be changing channels every now and then while he wore a blank face.

Slowly, she walked towards the couch to see what exactly was he doing. Upon seeing his face, he looked like a robot while his irises would dilated and then focuses every now and then. He wasn't even noticing her sitting to one couch now while she studied his blank face. She turned her head to the television. It shifted to different channels even without the use of remote controller.

Actually, it slowly making her feel the creepiness and she didn't know better she would think of Jiyong as one creepy monster under her bed but she knew he wont hurt her. So she just let her be. Standing gradually from the couch, she intended to leave him be but the television suddenly turned off. When she looked at her back, she saw Jiyong looking directly at her without expression. He momentarily closed his eyes before he opened them again. Dara then found a pair of green eyes staring directly at her.

"You're still awake, smidgen." he said on his gentle voice.

"Uhm. I came down to get some water and then you're here acting a little alienish." she said.

Jiyong stood up from the couch and went into the kitchen and got som bottled water on the fridge and give it to Dara.

"I'm doing a little research about the blue planet." he said after a while and got his own water too.

"So what do you learn?" she asked as she joined him on the couch once again.

Jiyong drank some water on the bottle before placing it on the glass table in front while Dara did the same.

"A lot. This television stuff really helps. But I had to filter some stuffs on it since I checked in to be of lies, propaganda, mind conditioning and all the useless stuffs."

"Lies? Propaganda? Mind conditioning?" Dara asked in confusion.

Jiyong looked at her seriously. "Human are pretty manipulative to their fellow beings. They implanted subliminal materials on mass media, there are also subtle mind conditionings in the news to make the people believe into sending luxuries into funding wars and in fighting the supposed hunger in Africa and the earth's global warming."

Dara looked at him in awe how he was so sure about his statement. "How about this propaganda?"

"Many countries are practicing this so that their own citizens will hate the neighboring countries thus the funding for war is justified." he said.

"Wow. You honestly sounded like our political science professor. And here I thought he was just into conspiracy theory but his words and yours are frighteningly matching." she said.

"There are actually people who are gifted with intense intuition. Your professors might be one. I also sensed that with one of your friends." he said.

"Friends? Who?" she asked while reaching out her bottled water in the table while not breaking her eyes to Jiyong, curious now as to among her friends caught this alien's eyes.

"The one with one long black hair and a fringe on her forehead." he said.

Dara drank water first before she looked at him incredulously. "You mean, Bom?" she asked.

"Ah yeah. That woman." he said.

"What can you see of her?" she asked since Bom had been weird for her since this friend of hers always said that she can see their auras.

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