The feelings are true.

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  Caswell and Alito made their own personal tradition of going to the human world once a month after Mystery left about a month ago. One night while they were in a spanish restaurant Caswell asked Alito. "Alito, we have been dating for about two months and you never go to restaurants like this unless there is something special instore afterwards. So what do you have planned?" "You will have to wait to find out." Alito replied.

  After they finished their food they went to their favorite spot in the park. "You ready for the big surprise I have planned for you tonight?" Alito asked. "Just tell me what the surprise is." Caswell replied. Alito got on one knee and pulled out a small box and asked. "Caswell I love you so on that note. Will you marry me Caswell?" Caswell was crying joyfully and said "Yes." And kissed Alito. Alito put the ring on Caswell's finger. Then they went back to barian world where the other barians were waiting for them.

  "How was your date tonight?" Yuma asked. "It's went well and look what Alito did." Caswell said as he showed them the ring. "Wow. No wonder you two seem happier than usual." Nash replied. "On our way back here we were discussing about our wedding theme. And we finally decided with a winter theme cause it will be held next winter here in barian world." Alito said.

  Then Alito and Caswell walked into Alito's bedroom and closed the door. Alito had stored a sleeping bag in his closest so Caswell could sleep in a nice comfy bed. "You can sleep in my bed tonight Caswell." Alito said. "Are you sure?" Caswell replies. Alito nodded as he pulled out his sleeping bag. "Thank you Alito for the best night ever." Caswell said as he hugged Alito. "Your welcome Caswell. Now let's get some sleep cause it is winter as we speak so tommarow we will need to start planning the wedding." Alito replied.

  The next day Alito got up early to make Caswell breakfast in bed. Alito snuck into the kitchen and started cooking. Now it was 9am and Alito had just finished cooking. Alito walks back to his room and sets the try of food down on the nightstand and sits on the bed. Caswell wakes up. "Good morning Alito." Caswell looks over to the food. "Did you make this for me?" Alito nodded. Caswell began eating his breakfast.

  Then once he finished Caswell and Alito walked back to the kitchen to clean the dishes that Alito dirtied. And after they finished the dishes they heard the barians coming into the dinning hall right next to the kitchen. Then Alito says. "Good almost noon everyone." "Glad to see you two are awake. But why are you guys awake already." Nash replied. "I made Caswell breakfast in bed starting at 7am and I finished at 9am." Alito said. "And we just finished doing the dishes." Caswell adds.

  "You two have been busy bees all morning it sounds like." Yuma said while laughing. "We have and you guys whouldn't have like to see how many dishes I used." Alito replied. Then they see a huge pile of clean dishes. "How did you ever finish all those dishes?" Nash asked. "Teamwork is how." Caswell replied. Then he and Alito went to go plan their wedding.

  "What should the cake look like?" Alito asked Caswell. "I think there should be 4 tears with a white base layer and blue snowflakes made out of frosting." Caswell replied. "And what about the cake topper?" Alito said. "A snowflake made out of white chocolate my favorite kind of chocolate." Caswell replied. "And before we cut the cake we can spit it and eat it." Alito adds. "Perfect." They said at the same time. Then they decided on everything they needed for the wedding.

  The winter when they were gonna get married came quicker then a race car going around the track. Soon it was their wedding day Alito and Caswell would have nothing keep them apart ever again. They each gave their vials and were now able to present the snowflake cake. And they took the chocolate snowflake of the top spit it in half and ate it. Then everyone got a slice of cake and enjoyed every last bite of the cake.

  Then they opened gifts and got all there favorite things. Once every one got home. They all went to bed and fell asleep except Alito and Caswell. They remodeled Alito's room so they could even be in same room. Soon it was daybreak and Alito and Caswell were still remodeling the room. But they were not tired. They finally finished just about everything except the bed. They finished the bed and put the bed sheets on. At that very same moment Nash walks into the room to see everything was bigger in the room. "Did you even get any sleep. Likevat at all?" Nash asked. "We were remodeling all night. So no we did not get any sleep." Alito replied.

  "You do realize that not getting any sleep can harm your mental health." Nash told them. "No we didn't and we promise to get some sleep tonight." Caswell said. "I hope you stay true to your word." Nash said sas he walked out of the room. "Now that he's gone shall we." Alito said. "We shall." Caswell said as Alito and him fell on the bed and began french kissing.

  "So were they up all night?" Dumon asked. "Yes but they promised to get some sleep tonight." Nash replied. Everyone sighed with relief. Meanwhile while Alito and Caswell were beginning to feel tired, so they closed their eyes while in one another's arms. The haven't came out of the room for a week, so Nash went to the room to see if they were okay. When he walked in he saw they were sleeping, but why for a week, Nash thought to himself. Then he saw a note on the nightstand and read it.

  He rushed to the other barians and told them about the note and Who wrote it. "They must have been asleep already ready when Mystery did this." Dumon said. Everyone agreed at Dumon's words. So Nash took them to their room. And Mizar check their pulse. "Their pulse is normal. Did the note say what he used to do this Nash?" Nash shook his head. "I think they should be tested at the barian hospital to find out then." Dumon said. Mizar agreed with Dumon. "And I was prepared in case something liked this happened." Mizar said as he took the barians to his room. And grabbed somethings from the hospital out of his closest. "You really did come prepared Mizar." Nash said. "I just had a feeling that this whould happen." Mizar replied. "And that feeling you had was true." Dumon added.

  Mizar used Alito for the test cause the something had to be in both of them. He did blood test and DNA test to see if it was in their DNA or blood stream. And after he got the results he found out it was in their blood. Mizar told the others what he found out. "So is there a way to help them?" Nash ask. "There is. But it is at hospital laboratory." Mizar replied.

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