Alito's return.

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  A week had passed since Alito wanted to alone. He was on his way back to the palace when he saw a little girl. The girl looked up and saw him she became scared but Alito walked up to her in away that showed her he wasn't going to hurt her. The girl asked. "What is this place? I want to go home." Alito kneels and says. "This is a place called barian world. And the place you want to go is earth right." The girl nods. "Do you have any parents to look after you if I take you back cause you will be safer that way." Alito says. The girl shakes her head. "Can I stay with you mister." The girl said hugging Alito. "Sure and please call me Alito." Alito said Picking up the girl. "What's your name?" Alito asked "My name is Ruby." Ruby said.

  They approached the palace and everyone ran outside to greet him. Then they noticed Alito was holding a young girl. "Who is your new friend Alito?" Caswell asked. "This is Ruby. Ruby do you want to say hi." Ruby turned her head to face everyone and say hi. "Hello everyone." Ruby said shyly. "How did you get here Ruby?" Dumon asked "I don't know. But I did get here this morning then that's when Alito found me." Ruby says. "Now I did say she could stay here with us. So let's make her feel at home here." Alito said to the others.

  Once dinner came around Ruby gobbled he food like she had no future. "You sure were hungry Ruby." Nash says as he is cutting his stake. "Well my parents died in a car crash and then I started living on the streets. And so I haven't ate in two weeks." Ruby says. "Two week!" Everyone said at the same time. "Honestly I didn't think you guys would be surprised." Mystery says as he walks in. "Mystery what are you doing here." Alito says giving him a cold stare. "I just wanted to see you new freind." Mystery says as he walks up to Ruby. Then Alito gets out of his seat gets in front of Ruby. "You stay away from Ruby." Alito says. "Is this man dangerous Alito?" Ruby asked Alito looked at her and nodded. "Nash get Ruby and everyone else outside now." Alito said trusting Nash would keep them safe. Nash took Ruby's hand hand and lead everyone outside. "What are you gonna do accept your evil and be evil or are you going to fight the facts." Mystery said. "I am gonna do both both. And that means my evil side will be used for good. My anger got the best of me last time but this time I am in control." Alito said as his two different colored eye's started to glow.

  They glowed brighter and brighter until the room was filled with light that could be seen from outside. Then the glass wall that was in the dinning hall shatter cause the light blinded Mystery and he fell from that very wall. Once he hit the ground Alito's glowing eyes dimmed down but were still glowing slightly. Alito walked outside and everyone was frightened by the glow in his eyes. "Alito is that you?" Alito walks to them without answering. Ruby was the only sure person that it was Alito. She walks to Alito and asked. "Can you please say something?" Alito then said. "I am Alito just not the one you remember. I do have a evil side and now I know how I became unconscious that day. My evil side took over me. But right now I am in control of it." "So we can trust that you will not hurt us." Nash said. "Yes, and I am sorry if I startled you guys." Alito said as his eyes stopped glowing. "Cadwell I am sorry for leaving you I just needed sometime to think on my own." Alito said to Caswell. "I'm just happy your back." Caswell said as he hugged Alito.


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