The new Alito

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  After Caswell stopped the hug Alito fell unconscious. "Alito are you okay?" Caswell asked Alito. But Alito didn't respond. "Didn't Alito just say that he remembered what happened before he fell unconscious the other day." Dumon stated. "I believe he said his evil side took him over." Nash adds. Then they take Alito inside the palace and put him on his bed.

  The next day he wakes up to see Ruby and Caswell sitting on the bed. "Good morning Caswell and Ruby." Alito says to catch their attention. Caswell and Ruby look at Alito as he tries to sit up. Ruby hugs him along with Caswell. Then the Dumon, Mizar, Nash, Yuma, Vector, amd Marin walked in to see Alito was awake. "Alito, can you tell us more about how you evil side took you over." Nash asked. "Well from what I've experienced so far whenever I got amgry that day it took me over and once I calmed down I fell unconscious." Alito answers. "It seems that it only shows up when you are angry. So that's why you told Nash to take everyone outside." Yuma states. Alito nods in agreement.

  "But now is the hard part trying to always have it under control." Alito states consciously. "I am positive that if we all help you can learn to control it." Ruby says. Everyone agrees to help Alito learn how to control his evil side. Alito thanked his friends and got off the bed.

  "I think we should try and create a device to keep it under control for the meantime." Mizar says. "That would be a safe option til I fully have it under control." Alito says agreeing with Mizar. So Dumon and Mizar started to work on wristbands that could help Alito control his evil side. Once they finished the wristbands they were taken to Alito. "These wristbands will help to keep you evil side under control." Dumon said as Alito put the wristbands on. "I just hope they work." Alito replied.

  Ruby runs in and says. "Me and Caswell are playing tag." "Are you now and without me." Alito says. Caswell runs in and starts to chase Ruby again and tags her. Then Ruby tags Alito. "So you really want me to Ruby?" Alito asks. Ruby nods her head. "I am pretty fast so I will give you two a five second head start." Alito said as he started counting. They ran out of the room and once Alito got to five he ran after them and tagged them both. Then he ran the other way. They could not catch him at all so they gave up. "I warned you Ruby that I was fast." Alito said in laughing tone. "Maybe we should play hide and seek next time." Caswell said.

  "I never thought I would see the day with you playing tag." Quinton said as he walked up to Alito. "Hello Quinton." Alito replied. "I see the wristbands to help control your evil side are done." Tray said from behind Quinton. "Yep. I just hope they work." Alito answered.

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