Alito's weaknesses : part 2

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  This didn't bother him cause he figured the others would pick on him a little. Then he reached his hand out to Niya and she grabbed it then they walked out of the room together.

  "Looks like Garog went to tough guy to Mr. Softy." Vector said as they all began to laugh except Alito. "You do know that  you guys are hurting him emotionally? I think you should apologize." Alito said. They stopped laughing. "I guess we did go over board this time." Dumon said.

  Then Alito opened the dinning hall door and they walked in. "Garog we are sorry for picking on you." Mizar said. "It's okay I forgive you guys." He replied. Just then someone knocked on the entery door. "I'll get it." Sunny says. Sunny opens the door to see Quattro standing there. "Hello is Marin here." He asks. "Yes she is. Why?" Sunny replied. And then Marin comes out and is excited to see Quattro. "How did you get here?" Marin ask. "Me amd my Brothers made a teleporter so we could come and visit anytime." Quattro said as he points to his brothers. "Where's Yuma. I haven't seen him in forever." Tray said as Yuma and the others walked outside. "Tray long time no see. How are you pal." Yuma said as tray approached. "I have been worried about how your barian life has been. But other than that I've been good." Tray replied. "That's good.  Come in we have tons of space to spare in this palace." Yuma adds. Shortly after dinner was done Quinton ask Caswell. "Caswell. How did you end up becoming a barian?" "Well at first I was working with an evil person named Mystery. And then I started a war here and then..." Caswell was cut of by his emotions and started to cry. "I am sorry if I got to a touchy subject for you Caswell." Quinton said sincerely. "It's okay. It's just I did some terrible things when I first came to barian world." Caswell stated. "But if it wasn't for Yuma, Alito, and Mizar I would still be working with Mystery." "And might I add that there was a chip inside Caswell that Mystery put there. If I didn't remove it then Caswell would have no freewill." Mizar added. "Is that true Caswell?" Tray asks. Caswell nodded. "Maybe we can talk more about it later." Yuma says.

  Quattro, Tray, and Quinton were given rooms and were told they could stay for as long as the want. Alito's little sister is walking down the halls and sees the new men that she'd never seen yet. Then Alito walks up to his sister and she ask who they are. "Why don't you go introduce yourself to them and find out." Alito says as the men walk over. "Who is this Alito?" Tray asks. "Hi. I'm Niya Alito little sister." Niya said shyly. "Nice to meet you Niya. I'm Tray this is Quattro and Quinton my brothers." Tray said. Then everyone saw Garog. "Ready to go surger pie." Garog said. "Surger pie really Garog and where are you going?" Quinton asked. "I am going on a date with surger pie here." He replied. "I thought you were gonna say an amusement park or something." Quattro said. "They fell in love the first time they saw one another." Alito adds.

  Just before they they heard Caswell scream. "HELP!" they ran to the room to see Caswell on the floor and badly injured and they also saw Mystery there hurting him. Mystery knew to bring the evil out of Alito he would have to make him so mad that he can't control it. "Caswell!" Alito shouted as he ran to help him for he was starting to get angry. Then Mystery picked Caswell up and ran out the window and Alito chased him not thinking things though first. Alito's anger clouded his mind so he could only think about saving Caswell. Once Me caught Mystery he demanded that Caswell be released. "Your anger has clouded your mind Alito so how will you save Caswell like that." Mystery said as he set Caswell against a rock. "I'll release him on one condition we go fist to fist." Alito agreed but almost lost. His eyes turned a bright shade of red.and he won the fight then collapsed to the ground. Now they Alito and Caswell where both unconscious.

  The others just arrived to find Alito and Caswell unconscious. Niya runs up to her brother. "Big brother please wake up." Niya says hoping he would wake up. Mizar checks his pulse. "Niya, he is okay whatever happened more than likely made this happen." Mizar says. Then he cheaked Caswell's pulse. "Caswell needs medical help now. We need to get them both to the barian hospital." Tray and Quattro grab Caswell and Alito and they rush them to the hospital. "Alito began to open his eyes a hour later. "Where am I What happened?" He asked not remembering anything of what happened. "You are in the barian hospital Alito." Mizar says. "We want to know how you fell unconscious." Tray states. "The last thing I remember is going after Mystery I don't know what happened after that." Alito says as he looks at everyone. "Alito how come one of your eyes is red?" Quinton asked. "What do you mean Quinton." He replied. He is then given a mirror he looks in it and remembers the photo the he has of him betraying his friends. He ask all the barians. "You all remember the photo that Mystery left me one time right?" "What does the picture have to do with right now?" Mizar asks. "Cause this is what my eye's looked like in the picture." Alito says frightened that Mystery is right about him turning on his friends. "Alito you cannot let yourself down right now." Niya said. Then Alito got out of the hospital bed and walked out of the room and out of the hospital. He went back to the palace and packed food and water into a small travel bag and left a note for Caswell. He was leaving to go be on his own for awhile.

   Tray was just enter the palace and saw the note for Caswell. He took it back to the hospital. Once he arrived he gives the note to Caswell who had just woke up. Caswell reads the note. Dear Caswell, I thought the only way to keep you safe was if I left the palace for awhile. Don't worry I will return someday. I just needed some alone time. Love Alito.

   "What did it say?" Niya asked.  "Alito ran away from home." Caswell said as he began to cry. "I will call his phone." Marin says as she stepped out into the hall. She dials the number she need and he answers. "Hello." Alito said. "Alito where are you tell me now." Marin says. "I am in a cave far away from the palace. Why." Alito says. "Caswell just read the note you left and he wants you by his side." Marin scolds. "I will not be coming back until the end of the week. Tell that to Caswell for me." Alito says and hangs up the phone. Marin renters the room to tell Caswell what Alito told her. "Alito said he was not coming back till the end of the week." Marin says.

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