Episode 1

77 12 8

Friday night 11:03 PMJoe Pratt was pleased with himself as he left the station that night

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Friday night 11:03 PM
Joe Pratt was pleased with himself as he left the station that night. Mostly, because of the information he just received from his direct boss, the captain of the Crime Investigation Unit (CIU) under Greenville Police Department (GCPD). The captain had just informed him that he would be retiring from the police force in two weeks' time - but that wasn't the part that gave him joy. The captain had also informed him that he would be the new captain of the CIU after his retirement.
"Joe, I'm pleased to inform you that the police chief has agreed that you be my replacement after I retire. Though, it isn't official yet. Just a little more paperwork to complete. Accept my congratulations in advance, Captain Joe," - Captain Nate had told him.
He had left the captain's office after they had a couple of drinks to celebrate his soon-to-come appointment, and went to his office. He could say that was the first time in five months, the man had laughed wholeheartedly with him. He went to his office afterwards, took his jacket off the hook and left the office almost immediately. Just before he exited the building, he looked up at the large wall clock above the word "GCPD" inscribed just above the front door of the building. It was just 3 minutes past 11PM. Then, he remembered, he had booked a dinner reservation with his daughter for 10 O'clock.
"Damn, I can't believe I forgot," he cursed under his breath. He walked as fast as his leg could carry him, out of the building and straight to the parking lot, where his car was parked. He hoped she would still be awake by the time he got home. At least he would make her dinner and they would call it even. He smiled as he opened the door of his Peugeot 504 vehicle.
As he ignited the car, a call came into his phone. He checked the caller ID and it displayed 'unknown caller'. Immediately, he smelt trouble. Though, that was normal in his line of work and he needs to be suspicious of picking any call at that hour of the night. He hesitated before pressing the answer button and driving into the already empty road of Island Way, where the station is located. It is the last building at the end of the road, just before the ocean and off to the island. Hence, it was called Island Way.
"Hello, this is Lieutenant Pratt of the CID. Who's speaking?"
"I prefer to remain anonymous," the unknown caller responded.
"Okay, what can I do for you?" Joe said into the phone as he drove at snail's speed. Though, there were no other vehicles on the street aside from his, the call wouldn't let him drive at his desired speed. He just hoped the caller would end the call soon.
"Shadow will be on the move tonight at Lakers bar."
"How valid is-" And the line went dead just before he could finish his sentence. He redialed the number that called but it was unreachable. He had received anonymous calls like this in the past and the information gotten doesn't always check out. But the name the caller had mentioned made him want to follow up the lead.
"Shadow," he muttered the word slowly. He stepped on the pedal a little harder as his mind wandered off to 10 months before.
Shadow was the code name of the leader of an organization involved in series of criminal activities such as drugs, murder and kidnapping. They always release their kidnapped victims, if their demands were met. In most cases, they always demand for money but some other time, they demand for other things; like the release of one of their own. Almost a year now, the police department arrested a suspected member of the gang and were contemplating releasing him after the gang kidnapped an innocent civilian; a young girl. The police had planned to use the suspect as bait to catch the rest of his gang and rescue the innocent civilians in the process but things didn't go as planned. Before the day of the exchange, the lifeless body of the suspect was found just behind the GCPD, with a gunshot wound to the head. He was murdered in cold blood with no real lead as to who did it. The police however considered that he was killed by his own people. Hours later the police announced the death of the suspect, the girl was also found dead on the same spot where the suspect's dead body was found. This made the police consider the case a closed one, agreeing that both murders were committed by shadow organization. Since that very day, the gang had never been seen in action or heard of. The people believed shadow was the one dead on the street but the police knew that wasn't the case. They believed even if it were shadow dead behind their yard, someone else killed him and took up his mantle. They don't just know why je has been silent. However, Joe didn't share in this idea. He so much believed that Shadow is dead for good.
Joe took a right turn unto Creston road. It's been 15 minutes since he got the anonymous call and he wished he hadn't. Since then, he has been thinking of what to do with the information.
"Lakers bar, Express Way," he muttered, as he bit his lower lips and moved his head left and right. He picked up his phone and dialed a number. Seconds later, someone picked up on the other end.
"Who's on patrol on Express Way tonight?" He said into the phone after the receiver saluted him. He was holding the phone with his left hand and steering the wheel with the other.
"Okay, Sergeant. You join Officer Mark and report any suspicious activity in the area directly to me," he commanded and ended the call.
He took a left turn onto 7th Avenue and in a minutes' drive; he knows he would be right at his doorstep. However, he was still expecting Sergeant Paul's return call.

Mystery in Miseryजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें