Episode 24

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Saturday, 6:50 PM Scrccchh David had heard the sound of a vehicle pulled over outside the building they were in; Detective Emkay's apartment

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Saturday, 6:50 PM
David had heard the sound of a vehicle pulled over outside the building they were in; Detective Emkay's apartment. He didn’t know how long they had been there but he knew it was well above 2 hours. He looked outside and he saw it was a police vehicle. He felt his worst fear coming to pass. He saw Naomi move backwards into the room, so he did too.
“Who's that?” Joe asked.
“The cops,” he answered without thinking.
“How did they find us?” Naomi asked.
“Marie! I shouldn't have trusted her.”
David thought about what the detective meant. He could be right but this wasn’t the time nor place to decide that. At least she had given him a chance to tell his story else he would have been long behind bars. David saw the door knob turned.
“On your knees both of you,” Joe ordered. He instantly knelt beside Naomi and had his face turned down on the floor. He had feared the worse and now the worse was happening. Only that in his head it had begun with, ‘This is the GCPD. The house is surrounded. Please, come out with your hands raised above your heads. We know you are in there and we would be forced to – ’ He still wished to be a cop one day. Maybe, a detective but not a fierce one like Detective Joe.
“We are all going to jail. Thanks to you boy.”
‘And gruesome,’ he thought.
The door opened and there was a familiar voice. ‘What’s going on here?’ he heard the voice asked and he looked up at once.
“Thank God, it’s you,” Joe said.
David saw Naomi let out a sigh while he sighed himself.
“What do you mean?” A man came from behind Detective Marie. It was his mentor.
David ran as he screamed. “Uncle Stan! Thank God you’re okay.” He hugged Stanley while the latter put an arm on his back. After a while, they disengaged from their reunion. “How’s dad?” He was referring to Captain Nate.
“Dave, there are things you need to know,” Stanley said.
“I know already. He’s been interrogated. I put him – ”
“Not that boy,” Marie interrupted while Stanley bit his nails.
David doesn’t quite understand why they are calling him boy, except for Naomi. Maybe, because he was the youngest. He doesn’t quite know. He caressed his short hair with both palms and placed them behind his neck. His eyes turned watery. He could tell something was wrong from the faces of their new visitors.
“What happened?” Naomi was the first to ask. Still, Marie and Stanley kept quiet.
“Are you going to remain dumb or tell us what happened?” Joe sounded impatient.
David just stood there, fingers locked behind his head. Only bad news would make them feel reluctant to speak. “Say something, please!” he yelled.
“Dave, be calm,” Stanley said.
“Don’t tell me to be calm when you look at me like that.” David was unsettled. “This is about me right? What could be worse than be framed for murder?”
“Because we know who framed you,” Marie answered. “And you won’t like it.”
“Who?” David yelled. The four of them stood there unmoved by his question. “Tell me who!”
No one answered him again. He feared his suspicions were right. Else, why would they hesitate to tell him? "It's Maryam, isn't it?" he said. He awaited their response but only got a nodding head from Stanley. He collapsed in the chair opposite him and sighed. 'It can't be her.' He needed an explanation but none seems to be forthcoming.
David felt all eyes were turned on him and they all wanted to comfort him but he didn't need that right now.
"How do you know it's her?" Joe asked. He was as curious as David. David even assumed the detective was reading his thoughts.
"Yes, tell us what happened." Naomi added.
David looked up at Stanley and Marie and that was when they started to speak.
"First, it was the video footage," Marie began.
"The one where Maryam was entering Lakers Bar?" Naomi queried.
"Yes and also another seeing her run out of the building at exactly a few minutes to 11."
"She claimed she was never there and that was the loop in her story," Stanley added.
Marie continued, "We decided to trace her movements from when she left the bar, using her cell phone signal. Lucky for us, we found that she made calls at around 11 O’clock which places her on Crawford Lane."
"It doesn't say she killed them," David said.
"But it says she lied and you did too because the number she called was yours," Marie countered.
David looked up at Joe and Naomi. He was still seated while the remaining four were on their feet. Joe's facial expression told him what he wished to know. "She was at my place that night."
"But you said – ”
"Forget what I said." He looked sad again as he was about to tell the same story he had told Joe and his daughter. "Yes, she called me last night that she needed my help. What was I to do? Reject her call? She might be dead now if I hadn't gone to rescue her.”
"You should have at least told the detective the truth," Stanley said.
"The only mistake I made so far." He sighed. "There were two men – " Marie and Stanley exchanged glances again. David couldn't help but wonder at the grin on their faces, so he paused and asked, "What's funny?"
"Your testimony kind of helped in leading us."
“What testimony?”
“Let’s just say I rescued you on purpose and you coming here was all part of my plan.”
“And me too,” Stanley added.
“Are you saying” – Naomi looked around the sitting room in awe – “this room is bugged.”
In shock of Naomi’s revelation, David added, “Don’t tell him you knew all that happened here while – ”
“Yes, boy… they know.”
“Dad!” Naomi yelled. “You are aware too.”
“I wasn’t sure but yes, I had my assumptions,” Joe said.
Stanley stepped forward, coming between an agitated Naomi and her dad. “It was the only way Dave could trust us with the truth.”
“He could have trusted me,” Naomi yelled again.
“There was no time to tell you, sweet heart.” Joe sighed. “I mean I never expected her” – he gestured at Marie – “to help us escape but she did. That alone is a suspicious act. So, I had my theories.”
“I’m sorry I yelled.”
“It’s okay, dear.”
“Where’s Maryam now? Am I free to go?” David asked all together.
“About that, you are not,” Marie said. “Your little story cannot be used because then the whole unit would know I helped you escape.”
“I can surrender myself now and testify,” David said amidst tearful eyes. He knew that wasn’t possible anymore as it is the evidence against his words, which has no collaboration. No one to back up his claims except Maryam and now she was in police custody for murder. He stared at the three detectives, pleadingly. “I won’t tell anyone it was you who broke me out.”
Stanley moved closer to David and placed a hand on his shoulder. “You know that’s not possible, Dave. We have no evidence to back up your statement. Besides, the investigation team now – ”
“I have something!” David said gleefully. He faced Naomi. “Did you access my drive?”
“Your drive?”
“My phone’s cloud. Back up drive on my phone,” he said pretty fast.
“Oh! That. We couldn’t access it. There was – ”
“I backed up a recording of our conversation on the cloud.” A wide grin appearedon his face, as he peered into the faces of the four other people in the room. Their facial expression showed they weren’t as enthusiastic as he was. “If only I could access it. It can back up my statement. Do you have a phone there?” He walked towards Stanley but a voice stopped him. He hurriedly turned to face the caller. It was Naomi. “You have a phone, there?”
“I’m sorry, David,” Naomi said. “We access those recordings. We lead the police right to us.”
“You can do something. Can’t you? You can change the IP address and mislead them. You can – ”
“I can but I don’t have the required resources to do that here. If I can get to my place – ”
“Then what are we waiting for? We should get going.”
“Dave, stop.”
“No! I can’t. If there is something that can clear my name and proof that I wasn’t lying, then that’s where I should be. Besides, what’s the use of running? Once, I get the recording. I should be a free man, right?”
“Just stop, Dave.”
“I don’t understand. Why would you – ”
“Stop!” Stanley yelled again for the third time. “Maryam escaped custody and the investigation team think you orchestrated it, to save your own skin.”
“Rescued?” Joe was the first to talk.
“What do you mean I orchestrated?” David asked. “You say that like you are not one of them.”
“It isn’t my decision alone to make.”
“Like he rescued her?” Naomi asked.
Stanley and Marie exchanged looks again, David couldn’t tell what they were thinking but he knew something was up. He thought the possibility of Maryam’s involvement in the murders. ‘What if she actually planned all this and knew at some point that she would be arrested? What if she planned her own rescue even before the murders? What if she intentionally called me that night so as to pin the murders.’
“We have to consider the possibilities here?” David heard Marie say. “For all we know, Maryam planned all this, up to her rescue and definitely she’s not working alone.”
“Yes, I thought about that too,” Naomi added. “She couldn’t have done all this on her own. I’m guessing she has someone on the inside too.”
“She – ” A call came into Marie’s phone and she excused herself to pick the call. Joe followed her out too, while David just sat there in a pool of his own thoughts.
“That’s a possibility too,” Stanley backed up Naomi’s theory. “She was all prepared for the interrogation. She would have gotten away with the murders if not for her roommate’s confession.”
“Yes, Jane. She told us what really happened. That Maryam had gone to see the professor that night and she didn’t return. She got worried and called her endlessly but Maryam didn’t pick. She said she figured she would be at David's and when morning came, that’s exactly where she headed.”
“And you believe her?” Naomi scuffed.
“She had proof. Her call log showed she actually called Maryam. Her aunt confirmed she was at her place and – ”
“Wait! Her aunt? I thought she was at a friend’s place.”
“That was a lie. Her aunt said she came by but left immediately saying she needed to talk Maryam out of seeing the professor.”
“Unbelievable! Why did she lie in the first place?”
“Naomi, you should know there were evidence to back up her claims. The only crime she committed was lie to us initially which isn’t an actual crime.”
“Because she wasn’t under oath?”
“Exactly. And she was scared. Who wouldn’t be? A murderer in the same room as her.” He smirked his lips.
“What made her confess? Let me guess, her conscience?”
“Yes – ”
“Mike corroborated the story too.”
“I’m interested in that story,” Naomi said.
David listened as Stanley narrated exactly what happened after their escape from the station. He made no contributions to what Stanley said but he read through every word, making some conclusions of his own. ‘Maryam was also framed for this.’ However, he didn’t let anyone know this as they will just conclude he was blinded by love. What he couldn’t believe was Mike’s involvement. Though, he always knew him to love money more than anything and he would do anything for money. But the question still remains. ‘Who would pay him enough just to lie, when they could have just gotten away with the murders? Besides, why would Maryam lie about any of this? She wouldn’t do that for money of course. Was she persuaded? Did Jane persuade her?’
“Of course, she did!” David said out loud. He didn’t realize it until Naomi asked, ‘who did it?’ He looked up and realized Marie and Joe were back and the expressions on their faces was that of someone who feels pity for another. He ignored Naomi’s question and focused more on the reason for everyone’s gloomy face as same expression was now on Stanley and Naomi’s face. No one said a word and he began to feel uncomfortable with the situation.
“What’s going on please?” he asked. Still, no one said a word. He became furious and screamed. “Can somebody just tell me what the hell is going on!!!”
“David you need to calm down.”
He didn’t care to know who said that before he answered with annoyance. “Calm down, you say? It’s like you all don’t want to tell me anything, thinking I’m the murderer.” He pointed at Marie. “You went to receive a call few minutes ago and you came back with a news. A very bad news. One I assume everyone knows except me.”
“Dave, don’t – ”
“Don’t patronize me, Uncle Stan.” He stepped away from Stanley who was moving closer. “I get the whole picture now. No one believes me. I’m done trying to convince you. I can – ”
“That’s not true, David.”
He faced Naomi. “Don’t tell me what is true and what is not. I trusted you.” Tears welled up in his eyes. “I thought you were my friend but I guess it’s the moment of truth where I’m still the criminal and you are the cop.”
He wondered why Joe wasn’t saying anything, so he faced him instead. “Detective, you have nothing to say?”
Joe changed his stance and leaned forward. “I know how you feel. I was betrayed by the same person I trusted with my secret. All the same, I don’t think you are capable of killing.”
“Of course, I’m just capable of planning and have someone do the dirty work for me.” He faced Marie. “Maryam, isn’t it? I had her do the killings for me.” He scuffed. “I knew you would break us out. Isn’t it? I knew we would be at your place which you placed hidden cameras in. Of course, I knew. Why? Because I am Shadow. I am this person that seeks revenge for the death of a father I didn’t even know about? Ridiculous! And you call yourselves officers of the law. ”
“You don’t have to be rude, Dave.” Stanley said. “We are all trying to help you and right now – ”
“If you want to help me, you would tell the police to stay off my back ‘cause I’m innocent.”
“It’s not that easy, kid.”
“I thought as much. You know what? You can either arrest me right now, right here or let me go out there and do your jobs for you.”
No one said a thing. So, he walked towards the exit but was blocked by Marie’s body. “Want to arrest me?” he asked her.
“Let him go, Marie,” Stanley said.
“And put us all at risk?” Marie protested. “I doubt that.”
“Dave,” Stanley called.
“I’m Gabriel, remember?”
“Just let it go, kid. It’s not worth it.”
“It’s not worth going to jail for? C’mon I’m already on a death toll.”
“I’ll suggest you listen to him,” Marie advised.
“Or else what?” David yelled.
“Cuff you.”
“I would be glad ma’am.” He brushed past her but Marie grabbed his left arm and twisted it to the back, pinning him against the wall.
“Just stop it already!” Naomi yelled. “We should tell him.”
“Naomi, please.”
“Dad, we should. He needs to know the truth.”
“And do you know what that would to him?” Joe whispered to Naomi. “It would tear him. Just look at him now.”
“I think it’s best if he doesn’t know,” Stanley added, in whispers.
David didn’t hear all that was said between those three but at least he heard Naomi’s words. It only verified that they were hiding something from him. Marie unpinned him while he groaned from the pain he felt on that arm. He stretched and said, “Can I go now?”
Marie looked at him scornfully. “Don’t make me regret helping you, boy.”
“You step out that door and you’re a dead man.”
“I’ll take my chances uncle,” David said. He looked at everyone in the room and wonders if Stanley meant that literally. The looks on their faces depicts it wasn’t literal. However, he decided to take his chances and that was what he was going to do. He walked towards the exit and almost turned the knob when Naomi yelled. Her words, though loud, wasn’t clear in his ears. Maybe, it was and he chose not to believe he heard well. He released his hands from the knob. Without looking back, he asked, “What did you just say?”
He felt a hand reaching out to him. It was Marie's. He didn’t still turn but he knew because she was the closest to him and it made perfect sense that she reaches him in time. He could sense the others walking towards him or maybe just one person, he cared less. All he wanted was for Naomi to repeat what she had just said. Tears were welled up in his eyes. He couldn't place what he felt; regret, guilt, sadness, disgust, shock, betrayal. He couldn’t ignore the feelings. He felt another hand touch his shoulder and a voice that said, 'it isn’t your fault.’ He identified the voice as Naomi’s. It should. She was the only other female in the room. The words made stream of fresh new tears flow down his cheeks. He was devastated. He leaned on Naomi’s hands and she took him into her warm embrace instead, while he cried his eyes out.
The other men in the room just watched from a distance while Marie stood a few distance apart, guilt written all over her face too. That was the look on everyone's face when David finally lifted his head off Naomi’s shoulder.
Naomi peered into his watery eyes and said, “I know how you feel but you’re going to be alright.”
He wanted to say something but he couldn't find the word too. Instead, he just let out more tears. He drove back and rested his back against the wall, drooping to the floor. He rubbed his fingers against his forehead and eventually buried his head into his palm until they were soaked in his own tears. He would have been there for more time than he thought because when he looked up, there was no one around him. They were all gathered around something. He couldn’t tell what exactly but he could hear a voice, different from that of anyone in the room. It sounded like it was coming from a speaker. He tried to focus his attention on the voice and make out its sentences. That was when he heard:
‘…whose true identity is Gabriel Bryant and believed to be the leader of the organization who murdered her. This Gabriel is still in the wind and he is dangerous. The acting police chief who was appointed this afternoon warned all citizens aiding and abetting this criminal should turn themselves in now as the law wouldn’t spare them once Gabriel is caught. Detective Preston also said Gabriel isn’t alone as he got help from a detective and his daughter to escape police custody earlier this afternoon. He is believed to have murdered the professor and two police officers earlier today and now he has added another name to his list. Thus, he is considered dangerous. A bounty has been…'
David fell with a loud thud to the ground. He has long stood up and was able to see himself on the television screen which was producing the sound. He has been officially labelled a criminal and that, he couldn’t handle. His fall attracted the other people in the room as they hurried towards him. Naomi was the first to come. He saw her lips moving but he couldn’t make out a word she said. He just laid down there, lifeless. His heart pumping faster than it should. He could see Marie and Joe running towards him also and suddenly they stopped or probably, he lost his sight. He couldn’t make out their image anymore but then a blurry image came too close. The figure leaned against his body and he could feel it. It was a man. ‘Oh! Uncle Stan.’ He groaned. His vision came back for a brief second and he could see all of their faces. They were in tears. That was when it dawned on him. Was he dying of a panic attack? He asked himself.
“Call an ambulance,” he heard Naomi shout and saw Marie, busy on her phone. Probably, she was calling an ambulance. Stanley was pressing against his chest in quick successions but it only made his situation worst. ‘If only he knew.’ Few seconds later, he couldn't make out any more words nor could he see their faces, but he still felt their presence. His sense of being was gradually fading. First, it was his sight. Then, he lost his sense of hearing. He knew if something was put into his mouth, he wouldn’t feel the taste. He no longer felt Stanley's hand against his chest. Maybe, he stopped but that can’t be the case. He knew he was resting his back on the floor but he couldn’t feel its warmth. Probably, he lost his sense of touch too. The only thing left of him was his sense of reasoning and that too was making him feel this has happened before.
He remembered his small self being trapped under a vehicle and crying for help. No one came to his rescue until he passed out. The memories after that incident were so clear but what happened before came in flashes. At first, he remembered a man packing things hurriedly into a suit case while he was crying. A little girl, about his age was telling him not to cry. Even though, she was in tears herself. Then, he recalled a voice calling to him. The voice had called him Gab and he answered running to her side. She had brushed through his hair with her fingers and said ‘son, it would be all right.’ It all made sense now, this was his mother and the man packing things, was his father. But who was the little girl; he heard his inner self ask. Then, the memory hit him like a thunder bolt. She was Gabriella his little sister. ‘We have to leave now Jasmine. Bring Gab and his sister, quickly,’ his father had said. Where they were going, he knew not. His father ushered them into the car. They had sat behind while their mother sat at the front with their father, driving. As they zoomed off at top speed, he could tell they were running from something and from someone. He looked behind and recalled a name which he saw at the top of the building they were now moving away from; The Bryant Home.
Self-realization set in. He was Gabriel Bryant, the son of Peter and Jasmine Bryant who died along-side his beloved sister in a tragic car accident. He was the boy underneath the car crying for help. There was his sister too, a few meters away from him, blood all over her face. She wasn’t moving and it had made him yell the more. Then, he saw someone lift her off the ground and held her while another came to him and tried pulling him from under the car but failed after several attempts. The two individuals were on some kind of mask, so he couldn’t tell who they were.
Shortly after, he heard the siren of police vehicles and this scared his helper away as he ran into the nearby forest. He had left a piece of note on him. His eyes were on the back of the man carrying sister until they fade into the distant. His sister, he never saw again.
That was how far he could remember. When he woke up, he was someone else. He was David Cooper, the adopted son of Captain Nate.
He tried to recall all that happened before that uneventful day and only one image clouded his mind; his sister. He tried making out what she looks like and all he could get was this fair little girl with blonde hair and a scar on her lower chin. A scar he had caused her to have while they played in school. He smiled at the happy memories he remembered.
Fair, blonde hair, scar. This little girl was similar to someone. There was someone with same attributes. He recalled the way she use to speak, her smile, her laughter, her boyish attitude. How she used to say she was his elder sister, his protector and guidance. Even at their final moments together, she had consoled him to stop crying. But this other person he now remembers isn’t someone from when he was Gabriel but David. 'Could this mean my sister is alive?’ His mind only went to one person; Jane.
“Gabriella is alive!!!”

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