Episode 5

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***Saturday, 8:28 AM Joe was at Lakers Bar when he got a private message from Naomi informing him of the update at David’s apartment

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Saturday, 8:28 AM
Joe was at Lakers Bar when he got a private message from Naomi informing him of the update at David’s apartment. The message was kept short and simple. It read: 2 females 6:32 and 1 male 7:55. That was about 25 minutes ago. A glance at his wrist watch, it was already a few minutes to 9. Immediately, he signaled to Greg that they leave the venue.
He went to Marie to inform her he was leaving. “Any hope?” He asked, as he got to where she was.
“The footage was wiped too,” Marie responded. “I don’t think we are dealing with a petty criminal here.”
'Petty criminal,' Joe thought. ‘Almost same as Stan’s words. By chance has she spoken to Stanley?’ He however, asked just to settle his curiosity.
“Yes, he came by my office this morning. He believes Shadow did this and I agree with him. Only an organization like that could carry this out without leaving any traces behind.”
Joe didn’t respond to that. He didn’t want to believe that. It would only mean he neglected his duty as a detective because he believed the man who bears shadow is dead. If it were to be a year ago, he would have checked out Lakers bar himself irrespective of the promise made to his daughter. His selfless act killed his wife, Catherine.
He recalled that uneventful night that led to her dead. It was almost five years now. Long before he became a lieutenant. In fact, that night might have helped his promotion to lieutenant because he got the offer just a month after, when he was still grieving the death of his wife. That night, he had gotten a call from Stanley about a robbery incident which turned out to be a rape case by one of Greenville’s notorious. He wouldn’t have gone but Stanley’s persistent and repeated calls made him go. He regretted going out that night. His wife would still be alive if he hadn’t and probably, he wouldn’t have gotten the promotion. But what is in a position when his wife his dead.
“Sir,” Marie’s voice brought him back to the present. He looked at her and realized she had said something that needed a reply. He searched his brain but couldn’t recall what she said.
“You think someone else did this?” she repeated.
Joe waved off her question but she seems not to be giving up.
“David Cooper, maybe?”
“That was just a dead end. For now, I have no suspect in mind but I know it’s not shadow because the one who goes by that name is dead.”
Joe’s mind drifted to four months before. There was a body lying lifelessly on the floor. It was that of Richard, the one suspected of being shadow. The same one, he had interrogated during the day. They were behind the station and he was holding a gun, standing over the body. He had looked shoulder to shoulder before… “He’s dead,” he repeated.
“You seem so sure?”
“That’s because I am sure. I need to leave now.”
“Okay, sir.” Marie responded. “I’ll let you know whatever we find out here.”
“There would be debriefing by 10. Finish up here and meet me at the station.” He knew he was not heading to the station but he needed an alibi if at all he needed one.
He watched her as she returned to giving instructions to her team member. He however, hopes she found something interesting. Something that might put him off David’s tail but that seems like a distant hope. Aside the bullets that was found in the professor’s head, nothing else could lead them to the killer. All security cameras in and outside the building have been wiped. Currently, Marie was checking security cams for neighboring buildings which already seemed like a dead end, since the first building opposite Laker’s bar had no security cameras and the one beside it was wiped of all recordings from the previous night.
“It’s time we explore new territories,” Joe told Greg as soon as they entered the vehicle.
“New territories?” Greg ignites the car engine and zooms off. He got no reply from Joe as the latter was in deep thoughts, yet he kept talking as he drove. He didn’t even know where they were headed. He just drove. “I assumed we were heading back to the station since we can’t find any helpful clues. No security cameras, no fingerprint, autopsy re – ”
“What if I told you we have one clue and we are pursuing that clue now?”
“What is it?” Greg seemed excited. “Wait, don’t tell me.”
“Okay, let’s – ”
“David Cooper!” Greg screamed. He hit on the steering several times to show his excitement, blaring the horn as he does. It took an instruction for Joe to get him to his nodding self once again.

 It took an instruction for Joe to get him to his nodding self once again

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“Take a right turn there,” he had said.
“I fucking knew it,” Greg continued, after taking the turn unto 3rd avenue. “You weren’t just going to dismiss David as the leading suspect.”
“Oh! Yes, I wasn’t,” he responded with less enthusiasm as Greg. Probably because he had thought Greg to be the smart and silent type and now he realized he was wrong about the latter. He hadn’t just asked Greg to tag along coincidentally. He was just lucky to pass by him when he needed him. However, he wasn’t so pleased with the new development.
“I believe you can keep a secret,” Joe said in an unusual manner. It sounded more like a question than a statement.
Greg looked serious as he answered. “Yes, sir. I can.”
“Then this should remain between us until I say otherwise.”
“Yes, sir. Can I ask a question?”
“Back there you seem so sure that Shadow is dead.”
“Yes, that motherfucker deserves death and not to be alive.”
“You know him?”
“Of course, 'cause I shot him,” Joe revealed absentmindedly. He looked Greg in the eye as the latter took his eyes off the road too. “Yes, I killed Richard Baines. You can focus back on the road 'cause I don’t intend to be dead soon.”
“He – ”
“He confessed to me, right before I murdered him.”
“But sir, the – ”
“Say no more and park behind that red car.” Joe pointed to a Peugeot vehicle, parked outside a building.
Greg took a turn off to the road and parked behind the vehicle as instructed.
“Is that not your – ” Greg began to say as he got out of the patrol vehicle they had been driving in.
“Yes, it’s my vehicle,” Joe interrupted. He seem to know every of Greg’s thought before he said it out.
“Wow! A stake out?”
Joe smirked. He doesn’t have the strength to continue answering. He’s already regretting bringing him along. ‘He was only playing nod and obey to get a recommendation when in truth he’s more or less like Stanley,’ he thought. He, however, chose to ignore the question but still the officer didn't just know when to shut up and it was beginning to get on his nerves. He only wished he hadn’t implicated himself by telling Greg the truth behind Richard’s murder. But it seemed like the young officer could be trusted so, he erased that off his mind.
As Joe approached his parked Peugeot, he checked his wrist watch. It was 9:37AM. ‘Time is far spent,’ he thought. He already knew he can’t make it to the station by 10 for the debrief. He got to the red vehicle in no time and a lady in black hoodie came out and saluted him. He responded casually and requested that she led the way into the building. All the while, Greg wouldn’t stop asking questions which weren't answered anyway. The three of them strolled into the building with the lady in front and Greg behind.

 The three of them strolled into the building with the lady in front and Greg behind

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I think we are finally going to meet our suspect David Cooper. What do you think of him? Leave a comment below and don't forget to share with friends and families. Thanks fams

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