Episode 10

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Saturday, 9:38AM “Let me have your pen,” Joe requested from Naomi and she gave it to him

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Saturday, 9:38AM
“Let me have your pen,” Joe requested from Naomi and she gave it to him. He quickly switched it with the one he had brought along, which was exactly the same type he returned to her. Although, there was this surprised look on her face but she couldn't tell what was wrong. She didn’t know, in the pen he just gave to her was a microchip that could pick up sound waves half a meter away. She didn’t even know he was going to make her stay behind with the guard at the gate.
He intentionally made her talk with the guard just so he could test the recording device in her pen.
“We are from the GCPD and we are here to see David Cooper,” he heard at the receiving end of the device which was placed in his ear and barely visible. He wouldn’t have felt the device in his ear if not for the sound from it.
“Stay with the guard. I and Greg will go talk to our friend inside,” he told Naomi, when he saw her take the lead. He already knew she would obey him not because she wanted to but for the presence of Officer Greg. She wouldn’t want to disrespect him that moment. All these were part of his little plan. He knew Naomi would agree to the stake out. He knew she would be so eager to find out what had happened and how David was involved. He knew if he didn’t let her in to question David, she would question the guard at the gate. The information that she would get from the guard, he needed to listen in real time. Moreover, he didn’t trust that Naomi is giving all the information he required. He also knew she isn’t keen on labelling David as a suspect but he couldn’t help but follow his guts. Greg’s play was just to make sure Naomi obeyed him and stayed with the guard which also fell in place. He felt pleased as he walked past Naomi towards David’s apartment and there was this displeased look on her face. He cared less. He needed to do what needs to be done for the good of the city. No emotional attachment. Another reason he had intentionally left Naomi at the gate was because he doesn’t want to get her implicated in what he was about to do. Whatever the case maybe, he was going to bring David along to the station, which is a direct disobedient of the Captain’s order.
In no time, Joe was at the door of David Cooper, with Officer Greg. He was at the door of the one man he suspected had something to do with the murder. He knocked at the door and no response came from the inside. Seconds later, he heard movement inside of the house but no one came to open. He was already contemplating knocking down the door when a young man in his late teens, opened the door. The first thing Joe did was breathe, just to keep his tension intact.
The guy behind the door was fair skinned and young, true to the pictures they have of him. He has the look that depicts innocence but Joe wasn’t going to let his guard down. He had this bruises on his face and a slight cut on his lower lip. He also looked worn out, like someone who had a stressful night.
‘Officer Bennet right?’ he heard his daughter ask the guard. And so it began. He had this wide grin on his face signaling satisfaction.
“David Cooper?” Joe asked. He knew it was David that opened the door but courtesy demands he asked.
“Yes,” David responded. “How may I help you, sir?”
“Detective Pratt and my colleague” – he gestured towards Greg – “Officer Gregory.”
“Okay, can I see some ID? Please.”
“Sure.” He showed his ID card and pocket it afterwards. “We would like to ask you a few questions if you don’t mind.”
“Of course, please come in.” David ushered them in.
“No, we prefer to stay outside,” Joe rejected. Not that he wanted to, but the proximity of his device is just about a few meters and once he enters the apartment, the signal would be blocked. If not, he would have loved to have a peek of the inside.
“Okay.” David closed the door behind him and stood at his front door with the officers.
“Greg, take note,” he instructed and directed his next statement to David. “Where were you last night between the hours of 11PM and 1AM?”
“On Charles Lane to get something.”
Joe looked at Greg and noticed the new found interest in him. “Anything suspicious happened there?”
“I heard a girl scream for help and I attempted to rescue her.”
“A girl screamed for help?”
“Rescue her from what?” Joe questioned her and he was beginning to get interested. Not only because of what David was saying but the conversation Naomi is having with Bennet.
“Well, the way I see it. Two guys were going to rape her.”
“They let her go when I intervened but jumped me instead for letting her go.” David paused but the look on Joe’s face made him continue. “They beat me badly and after a while let me go.”
“Someone else joined us and asked that they left me.”
“Did you see the faces of these guys?”
David scuffed before answering. “It was late, detective and while I was being beaten, I doubt it.”
Joe smiled. “What about the girl? The one you rescued.”
“I don’t know which direction she ran in.”
“Okay, so what happened after?”
“I came home.”
“Who can testify to all you’ve told me?” Joe asked and the question brought about a change in David’s countenance.
“The guard,” David answered. “He saw me leave –”
“Did he see you return?”
“I don’t think so. He was fast asleep when I returned.”
“And what time was this?”
“I don’t know.”
“You saw him knock at his apartment. Isn’t he supposed to have a key?” Joe heard Naomi ask another question and the reply the guard gave, prompted him to ask his next question.
“How did you get in here?” Joe asked, pointing at David’s door.
“I – I just opened. It’s my apartment anyway.”
Joe noticed David was both surprised and shocked by the question and that gave him away. Joe knew he was lying all the while but needed proof that he was and Bennet wasn’t.
“Can I take a look at the door?” Joe asked and before David could give a response, he had bent by the door. He examined it for some seconds and grinned. “Dave, my boy. Do you happen to know anything about picking a lock?”
“I didn’t pick any lock, Sir. I had a key and I opened – ”
Joe smiled again. “I never said you picked the lock.”
This statement made David quiet. Joe brought out David's student ID card and showed it to him, saying, “I’m sure this belongs to you.”
David nodded his head.
“It was found on Crawford Lane where the body of two dead officers was found.”
David countenance changed immediately on hearing that and Joe noticed it. He rested his back on the wall behind and listened as the detective kept talking.
“You lied to me about where you went last night and every other thing you told me,” Joe continued. “Can you at least tell me how your ID card got there?”
“I need to speak to my lawyer.”
“Then I need to take you in.”
Greg was shocked at the way things turned out and he couldn’t hide his anxiety.
“Of course, I know.” David said.
“Cuff him,” Joe instructed Greg and the latter obeyed at once.
David turned his back to Greg and allowed himself to be cuffed without any word. He listened to Joe say the usual stuff cops do when detaining a suspect.
“David Cooper,” Joe said. “I am arresting you for the murder of two police officers which happened on Crawford Lane between the hours of 11AM and 1PM. It is my duty to inform you that you have the right to retain and instruct a counsel in private without delay. Do you understand?”
“Yes, I do,” David responded.
“If you’ve spoken to any officer including myself with respect to this murder, please note that whatever you’ve said doesn’t count but anything you do say from now may be used in evidence.”
“I understand detective. Just get me to the station already.”
With this said, Greg pushed David politely and made him walk towards the gate, on Joe’s order. Joe didn’t say any more words as David was being taken to the waiting vehicle outside.
He looked at Naomi and noticed the surprised look on her face but he wasn’t going to make it go away. He wasn’t going to tell her what he did to get David arrested. He knew she would be onto him every single move he makes now but he wasn’t going to make her doubt him anymore.
“Greg, you find Michael and tail him till I say otherwise,” he instructed Greg. This was just to make her trust him again. He faced her and said, “We are going to the station together. You drive, kid.” He smiled at her but she didn’t smile back. He nonetheless entered through the passengers’ seat with Naomi in the driver’s seat and David at the back seat, they drove off to the station.
Joe knew in his mind that the captain wouldn’t be happy with this new development but the deed is done and he just needs approval to interrogate him. Else, arresting him would have been for nothing. On getting to the station, he asked a subordinate office to lead David to the interrogation room.

“Grant him access to his lawyer,” Joe added

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“Grant him access to his lawyer,” Joe added. “And make sure no one speaks to him aside his lawyer.” With this said, he left for the conference room. On his way up the stairs, he met with Marie and asked, “Meeting over?”
“Postponed 'cause you weren’t available. We can’t have a meeting without a team head. You said 10 and this is - ”
“I know what I said. I was following a lead.”
“Thought you said you were coming to the station.”
“I was but – ” he stammered. “But a – ”
“Never mind. The captain asked to see you as soon as you arrive.”
He thanked her and headed to the Captain’s office. He knew all hell would be let loose soon.
The captain, as expected, flared up on hearing the news of David’s arrest. Joe tried to make him see reason but the captain wasn’t going to hear any of it. He just kept ranting.
“Tell me, Joe!” Nate yelled. “What do you want from me? If you think I’m going to let you interrogate that innocent boy, then you must have lost your mind.”
“Just shut your trap. I ask you to bring me evidence but instead you brought me a boy that you have nothing against.”
“He knows something sir and that’s what I want to find out,” Joe defended.
“Then you question him, not arrest!”
“He lied, sir.”
Nate scuffed on hearing this.
Joe didn’t stop there but continued. His mind was made up. He knew David wasn’t telling the truth and he was going to prove that. He was just surprised at the way the captain is thinking. The captain had always told them to follow every lead. Maybe he wasn’t doing it right but somebody has to and this is the only way he knows how. He wasn’t going to let go of this lead.
He sat down and narrated everything that he knows concerning the case but the captain wasn’t confused yet. Then and there, Joe realized no matter what he says, the captain won’t make him interrogate David. There was a reason the captain was acting this way and he wasn’t ready to explore that part. All he needs is a chance at interrogation with David. He decided to play the one last card he has before he took drastic actions.
“If I interrogate him and discover he’s innocent,” Joe began. “You can take back the captain and give to Marie. After all, it’s all you want.”
Nate laughed. He felt like that’s what he wanted to hear and Joe was beginning to think his offer had been accepted until the captain dropped the bomb. “You resign.”
“Yes, he’s innocent. You resign,” Nate repeated.
Joe was dumbstruck. He wasn’t expecting this. He had hope giving up his upcoming position as captain would do the trick but he was wrong. Still, he agreed. He thought he isn’t fit for the job if he can’t even follow his own instincts.
“I’ll resign if he’s innocent.” He saluted and turned to leave but was stopped by the captain.
“Have this” – Nate passed his phone over to him – “instruct Naomi and Stanley to inspect the professor’s office. They’re shorthanded at the other murder scene.”
Joe knew the captain was doing this just to make him shorthanded and without the information he needed. But he didn’t argue, instead he did as he was told.
“We could use those beautiful brains while you go on a wild goose chase,” Nate added, once his phone was returned to him. “You only have until 5pm to do as you like. If you have nothing by then, I’ll be expecting your resignation letter on my desk.”
Joe felt hurt as he left the captain’s office. While he descends the stairs, he felt like going back and take back his words but he has his pride to protect. It would be a suicide mission if he did that. He knows the captain won’t even listen. He always knew the captain to be a man of reason. What was wrong with him, Joe couldn’t fathom. As he descended the last step, he saw his daughter and knew she deserved an explanation. She needed to know what was going on but now isn’t the time. He just pretended like he didn’t see her and went straight to his office. Once he was in his office, he jammed the door behind him and took out his anger and frustrations on the innocent office equipment on his table.
“Arrrrrrrh!” He yelled like someone that had just woken up from a scary nightmare. He then collapsed on his chair and thought about his next line of action.


Wow! Certainly not what Joe expected but it's what he got. He has only a few hours to prove David's guilt in the murder cases.
Is David innocent? Do you believe what he told the detective. Let's wait till he's properly interrogated.
I love you all and thank you for reading this far. Your comments will be highly appreciated.

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