Chp. 4

942 30 29

September 18

Kenma woke up first , slipping out of the bed he moved Kuroo's hand from around his waist . He showered and brushed his teeth with the blue toothbrush he permanently had over here . I basically live here sometimes. Kenma walked out of the bathroom smelling bacon , Bokuto was now up cooking breakfast ,shirtless ,surprisingly to most Bokuto had a real knack for baking and cooking .

"HEY HEY HEY goodmorning."

Kenma blushed at the older boys appearance . Kuroo stirred in his bed , at some point in the night he had thrown off his shirt and Kenma could see his chest peaking out from under the covers . What am I gonna do with these two , Akaashi is gonna have a heart attack

"Good morning kitten ." Kuroo cooed in Kenma's esr startling the smaller boy

"Ugh" he pushed the lanky boy out of the way

"Bokubro whatcha cooking ?."

"I thought I'd just make some breakfast sandwiches ." He said as he put the last one against the pan to sizzle a bit more and melt all the layers into each other

Kenma and Kuroo grabbed a sandwich of the plate on the counter and started chowing down with noises of satisfaction

When Kenma finished he walked over to Bokuto's bed where Akaashi was fast asleep buried in the comfiness of it , Kenma knew that feeling too well , when Kuroo had a girl over and they crashed here he had slept in Bokuto's bed it was heaven in the mixture of the smell of his cologne and the plushies with a perfect bed you could just sink in forever . I was so mad that night ... I had no right

"Kenma?" Akaashi said in a sleepy voice

"Good morning , come eat ."

Akaashi stood from bed and followed Kenma to where the two shirtless boys were . Akaashi's face broke into a huge blush as he looked at Bokuto's messy un styled hair , trailing down to his chest , firm , toned arms and finally to his abs .

"HEY HEY HEY Welcome to the Gun show Akaashi ." Bokuto shouted flexing his "guns" at Akaashi

"Put some clothes on you weirdos ." Kenma stated ignoring Bokuto's flexing as Kuroo started flexing back starting a small pissing contest, he handed Akaashi a sandwich . Akaashi bit into the sandwich a look of amazement on his face . His moan brought the two okder boys attention straight to him .

"Wow dis is sho gush." He said with a mouthful

Cute . Bokuto thought as he stared at the boy

Akaashi continued to eat savoring every bite

"Yeah Bokuto's is a man of many talents and very little sense ." Kuroo stated like it was a fact

"Aww Yeah! I'm talented !"

"Oi Bokuto we have to get to practice , Kenma don't forget we're going to eat later ."

Bokuto and Kuroo threw on shirts and shoes and ran out of the room , Akaashi and Kenma gathered their things and went down to the shuttle stop . As the two boys made it to their dorm Akaashi couldn't resist feeding into his curiosity

"Who's Miko ? Bokuto mentioned her last night."

"Oh that's his girlfriend , though she uses him more as a trophy than anything ."

"Ugh those are the worst ."

"Right ."

Kenma settled into his bean bag and Akaashi started to take out some art supplies sketching out a field of flowers .

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