Chapter 6: Broken

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Hello and sorry I upload later than usual. I just want to remind you guys that I'm totally okay with criticism especially my grammar so I can improve. Anyway enjoy :3







"Focus Bright, focus Bright"

Lately Bright found it much more harder to control his feelings. He constantly daydreams about Win and most of the time it may or may not lead to something very inappropriate and definitely something a friend shouldn't do. At first, he unconsciously kept on giving light touch to Win shoulder, Win's back, or even Win's waist as if it is a must-to-do list of his, but now Bright does it even when he's fully aware he's touching Win.

He found the feelings of touching Win very addicting and he wants more. Bright also can't take his eyes off Win even when the camera was on which of course got noticed by their fans and leads into hundreds of questions whether Bright starts having a crush on Win or not. Good thing Win is very naïve and just think of it as a friendly gesture, a prove that Bright is comfortable around Win. Too comfortable actually.




"Bright! Let's eat lunch together!"


Bright's POV
It's already a daily thing for me and Win to eat together and I really love this moment. It's just me and Win enjoying our food in peace. I look at Win who have his rice and soup ready. Win's soup is creamy mushroom while mine is tom yum, but instead of focusing on my food I keep on glancing at Win who put a big amount of portion into that one single spoon. He fit all those in one single bite which always reminds me just how much that beautiful mouth of him can handle.

I saw the white creamy soup drip on the side of his lips, and it was too overwhelmingly sexy as I can feel my member twitch excitingly as if it was begging for me to shove it into Win's throat. Noticing just how horny I got just by watching Win eating makes me mentally slap myself.

I blame this all on my dreams because it keeps showing every night which always send me on edge every morning, but I can't deny it feels good and right. It feels right when I talk of Win, it feels right when I touch him, it feels right when I fantasize about Win. Everything about Win feels right. I knows I was falling for Win and you know what? I just notice there is nothing wrong with that. I was just simply expressing my love for Win and nothing is wrong with love







"Where am I?"

Bright woke up in the middle of forest. It was dark and foggy. All he can see were big tall trees around him. Bright was lost and desperate, all he can do is just to run, searching his way out, but for what? For what exactly? Since he was little, he never has anything he really wanted anyway. Sure, he's taking his job as an actor seriously but that's just because it is his source of income and he need it to survive. Sure, he dated couple of few girls and enjoy it but it's because he was bored and it's the same thing when he said he enjoy soccer.

As Bright keep on mindlessly walking to who knows where. His heart suddenly starts to beat loudly. He feels a comforting warmth wrapped around his body. He saw a shadow of person behind the thick fog. Ah now I remember. It was Win who he really wants. It's only been couple of months with him, but Win has become someone Bright dearly loved and want. As Bright walked closely and goes beyond the thick fog, he was suddenly in a dark pitch-black room. He saw the person's back, but Bright knows it was Win. He was about to call Win only to realize Win was looking at someone.


Win ran to Luke's direction and hugged him tightly. Leaving Bright in the dark room alone.

"No don't leave me Win! NO!"

Bright suddenly wake up from his dream screaming on top of his lung. His body was trembling in fear and drenched in cold sweat. It was as if he experienced something worse than death itself.

"Win won't leave me, right? He won't, right?"

This thought keeps on repeating in his head like a broken record and all he wants now is to stay close to Win and make sure he won't leave him.





Things goes as usual today other than Bright being clingier to Win this morning because of the nightmare he experienced. Bright was glad Win is still here and his presence put Bright's mind in ease. During lunch however, Bright found it weird that he can't find Win anywhere even though usually Win would already asked Bright to eat together with him.

"Hmm that's weird? Maybe he's already in the cafeteria first?"

As Bright walked to the cafeteria, he saw Win, but he was not alone. He's with Luke. He saw both of them talking to each other with full of excitement. Just like a couple. And that makes Bright sick, not to mention this morning he was on the edge of breaking because of the dream. Bright immediately run to the bathroom and vomit on the sink. He feels sick, angry, and sad. He is broken. He washed his mouth with water, hands still trembling and he look at his reflection in the mirror. He looks dead

"No no no no NO! You can't leave me! you can't! I need you Win. I can't live without you. Can't you see I love you? Is it because of him? Is that why you leave me? Do you love him more than me?"

His hands suddenly stop trembling. All his fear was replaced by anger

"It's because of him is it? You will leave me for him, right?"

Then I will just make sure you have no one so you would never leave me

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