Chapter 9: Smile :)

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Sorry for not updating once a week. School has been harsh and I can't believe I actually got 0 in fucking math quiz despite me already studying :"). So for those who study and work... FIGHTING! XD

I will keep continuing this story because I already have the outline of each chapters until the ending, so it's kind of a waste if I don't make it, but I'm not sure when will I update. I will try to update once a week but who knows :/. Anyway, enjoy this crap :P





"Morning Win... hm? Why you look so pale? Are you sick?" Bright asked Win as if he doesn't know the reason why Win looking like this. He knows that after the day he "helped" Luke, Win seems to be less focused and spacing out a lot. Bright feels kind of guilty but at the same time pissed. It shows just how much Win cares about Luke and Bright want the same attention from Win, but it's okay... soon enough Win will understand his love.

"I... I'm not sick... I'm totally fine!" Win gives the usual smile to ensure Bright that he's okay but of course Bright knows Win is lying.

Win's POV

"Then what happens?" Bright asked me while taking a sit next to me. His hands travel to the other side of my shoulder and wrap me in a comforting embrace.

Flashback one day after the 'incident'

*Tick tock, tick, tock*

I lay down on my bed and just stare at the ceiling while the sound of the clock filled the voidness of the room. I know yesterday he said he was busy but today he doesn't even text me anything yet. I tried to spam him but no replies, I tried to call him several times, but no answers. Did I do something wrong? Should I visit him? But what if he really is busy and I will just be a nuisance if I visit him? Now that I remember, Luke never take me to his apartment. I only visited him like twice in my lifetime. I'm curious but I also need to respect his privacy. Maybe tomorrow he will reply.




I was wrong, it been two days and no news whatsoever. I'm worried sick and in the end, I decided to visit Luke's apartment. I was praying everything will be fine. When I knocked on the apartment door I was expecting Luke to open the door so I could smack him for making me this worried, but no one opens the door... maybe he's out at this moment.

"Hey, you! You are looking for that boy right?" A short old lady holding a stick suddenly appeared out of nowhere. I'm guessing she's the landlord here?

"Ah sorry for the disturbance and yes, I'm looking for him" while I bow my head down and smile

"Such a polite boy! Unfortunately, he and his mom moved already"

What? He moves? Why didn't he tell me? Is he tired of me and left me? Like mom did

"Ah! I almost forgot! Your name is Win right? Luke said he wants you to have this" the old lady hand me a big brown envelope that is written, "for my beloved Win". I really don't like the sound of this. I take the envelope and go back to my apartment and put the envelope on the table while I just sit and stare at it.

I'm not ready. I know this envelope is a goodbye message, but I tried to shake those thoughts and open it with my shaky hands.

Dear, My Beloved Bunny

Hi Win... first of all when you read this, I want you to stop searching for me because I already change my number and moved to a different place.

As I continue reading paragraph after paragraph. I know more about everything he has been hiding from me this whole time. He wrote how he was actually struggling to find a decent job, he wrote how he actually works as a stripper and pleasuring all those ladies despite him not wanting it, he wrote how disgusting he is and that his presence will only ruin my life, and me? All I can do is... nothing. I was such a bad friend. I don't even know just how devastating he was. Luke was in front of me, but I never even realize any of his pain.

In the letters, Luke keeps on mentioning how I shouldn't blame myself about this and how I should move on since it's better for us to not meet each other anymore but I know all of this is my fault. If I realize it sooner and help him, any of this won't happen. Maybe it is better this way. Luke deserves better than a horrible friend like me...

That night I couldn't sleep and just stare emptily at the ceiling

One thing that Win doesn't realize, he was still smiling despite the tears that were blurring his vision

Flashback ended

"Hey, Win you're spacing out again," asked Bright worriedly. Hands still wrapped around me comfortably

"So what happen" asked Bright once more

I clenched on Bright's shirt and was about to tell and let all my feeling out until...

Keep smiling Win! Mom will be back

I loosen my grip on Bright and smile at him. That's right... I have to keep smiling and be the cheerful Win all the time!

"Haha, it's not a really big deal! Luke moves to another place and I can't contact him, that's it. It is rare for friendship so stay forever anyway; sorry Bright I was just too overreacting haha"

3rd POV

Bright notice how Win always seems to be cheerful and smile every time no matter how tired he is. People might not realize the difference but Bright knows. Usually Bright always love Win's smile but not this one. Bright admire how strong is Win for smiling even at this current state but also hate it so much. It feels as if there is a wall between them and Win just won't let Bright in. Bright doesn't like that a single bit. He wants Win to depend on him more. If Win will keep hiding behind those walls and never let Bright in...

Bright just need to destroy it forcefully

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