Chapter 7: Whore

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I'm sorry for being really late! I had a family trip :). This chapter might be more offensive and also for Luke and Mike fans out there, I also love them and I don't have any ill intention towards them. I also draw this simple chibi Win for being late because I feel like Win is always the answer for every problem lol. Anyway enjoy~





As Bright tried to control his overwhelming emotion with a shaky breath. He suddenly hears the very familiar voice which came from the person he despised the most.

It is really tempting to just strangle that man to his death or just crushing the man's head by repetitively smash his head to the wall until it loses its shape but Bright knows better it was a very stupid idea and following only his instinct without using his brain means he's no better than animals, so he quickly hid inside one of the bathroom stalls hoping something would happen so he can use it for his advantage.

"Hm? Yeah, this week will be my last break so I will start to perform again next week"

Perform? What performance? He's doing music performance or something?

"Ouch, I'm hurt. How could you forget about my usual schedule? I thought I'm your favorite... haha I'm just joking, anyway it will be 11 pm at Dixie Clubhouse. Make sure you come to watch cutie~"

Performance at Dixie Clubhouse? What is that? Is that a bar? And cutie? So, he has a girlfriend after all?

Bright hears a small *Thut* meaning Luke has finally ended his call, but Bright didn't heard any movement from Luke. He only heard the water from the sink flowing nonstop until suddenly the sound of a fist slamming into a hard surface was heard, leaving echoes to the whole room to the point Bright can almost feel the frustration in that single hit.

"When will this hellish life of mine just stop" said Luke one last time, gritting his teeth before he turns the sink off and finally leave the bathroom

Bright quickly open his phone and immediately search "Dixie Clubhouse" in google only to find out that it is a strip club. From the way Luke talked during the phone call, the fact that he is "performing" in a strip club following with the odd night schedule, you don't even need to be a genius to understand what kind of job Luke is doing. With this new information grasp in Bright's hand. He smiled creepily, already knows a plan to get rid of that annoying Luke.

So, in the end he's just a whore afterall. A dirty man like him want to be close with his angel? Fucking disgusting





This week is a very long week for Bright. Luke keep coming everyday to visit Win and Bright have to act friendly towards Luke while watching Luke staring and ogling his eyes at Win like a love struck puppy while Win keep talking non-stop about his embarrassing and funny moment in life. Oh, how great it will be if Bright can just press his thumbs to Luke's eyes for staring at Win. Bright try to shake those thoughts and calm himself because he's no psychopath....right?

After the long torturous week but still beautiful because of Win's presence and his blinding smile. It is finally the end of the week which means he can't wait to finally get rid of Luke. Bright take out his phone and start to text one of his friends.

Dumbass Mike

Mike, you wanna go to strip club tomorrow?

Straight to the point like always huh? Like not even a hi? and why so suddenly? I thought you hate clubs?

Not me, just you. My friend keeps spamming about this hot male stripper in Dixie Clubhouse performing at 11pm and I thought you might find this useful

Even the great Vachirawit said he's hot. Just how hot can he be?

Bright cringe so hard at this but continue texting anyway

So, what's your point?

Of course, I will check it out!

-------------- Text ending --------------

Bright smile creepily knowing his plan is going very smoothly. He knows that Mike is the type of person who blabbers everything about his experience and will for sure share a couple of pictures to Bright even if it's not legal to take a picture there. Bright knows going there himself is very risky because there is a very huge chance of him getting caught so what he needs to do is just to use his surrounding without dirtying and risking himself.





That next night, things really goes perfectly as Bright had predicted

Dumbass Mike

Woah Bright! This strip club is lit and the stripper you talked about is hot as hell

*upload picture*

*upload picture*

*upload picture*

But he's not my type and I think he's straight? Because he only accepts personal services for woman

He is very popular here and apparently; he is the best stripper in this club! Well not that shocking though

I even saw woman drooling all over him and judging by her conversation with her friends about her husband, some of them are already married! but it's not anything new though. It is quite normal in the strip club

-------------- Text ending --------------

As Bright read and take all the information from his friend's seems like endless chat which still goes on until now. Bright could only feel disgust. This guy who lived in a puddle of mud surrounded by dirty flies want to be with his Win? A filthy stripper who fell in love with an angel... how laughable. One thing that Bright found weird is the fact that Luke only sleep with woman which Bright concludes that Luke probably wants his first time with a guy to be Win which Bright found very amusing how Luke tries to keep his non-existing purity for Win.

Luke is just a fucking joke and Bright can't believe he was afraid of Luke taking Win away from him before, but Bright doesn't want Win to be close with that filthy guy. He doesn't want Win to be tainted by Luke afterall. With the photo and information Bright possessed. Bright just can't wait

Can't wait

To finally get rid of Luke 

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