Ch. 10 *Edited*

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Percy POV:

No one spoke. Jordan, in surprise, burst out in flames. Dionysus flashes out and flashes back a minute later, to a silent camp. No one has moved.

"Hey, Jayden Vines, you are required on Olympus in three hours." He announces, breaking us out of our shock. Jordan is flameless now, but still hot to the touch when I try to move them away from the fire.

"Okay, Jordan, let's go get Argus, and we'll leave right away," I tell them. I stand up and turn around to see the Wine Dude in front of me with a stern look on his face.

"Only Jamie here, not you, Perry."

"I'm not letting a nine-year-old face the Olympians by themselves!" I scoff, glaring at him, he flinches. "C'mon, Jordan. Let's go."

I lead Jordan to the Big House and spot Argus in the infirmary. I would rather not travel with the god of wine, flashing to places makes me sick.

"Argus, if you're not busy right now, could you drive me and Jodan to the Empire State building?" Argus nods and leads up to the front of Half-blood Hill. We get into the van, and he drives. Jordan points out things they think are cool along the way, and I can't help but smile.


Argus pulls up to the Empire State Building. Jordan looks like they are going to burst into flames, again.

"Thanks, Argus," I get out of the van, and Jordan follows. I see Argus smile at us. "Wait for us, please?"

He nods, a few of his eyes blinking, or were they winking, giving affirmation. We walk up to the building, and I can see Jordan fanning themselves and shaking.

"Hey, everything is going to be okay."

"You... You sure?"

"I won't let them hurt you." I rub their back. "Take deep breaths, trust me, it helps."


"Hey, Rick," I say to the receptionist.

"Hey, Percy, not in trouble, I hope?" Rick hands me the card.

"When am I not?"

"Have fun."

"You know I always do!"

We walk into the elevator, and I put the card in the slot. I press the button, and we start moving. I stiffen, elevators are not my favorite thing to be on after Tartarus.

"You okay, Percy?" Jordan asks.

"What? Oh, yeah. I just have a... bad experience with elevators."

"So, my mom is Hestia?" Jordan changes the subject.

"Yeah, don't tell anyone this, but she's my favorite Olympian," I whisper.

"I won't. What's she like?"

"She looks like you, actually, just with longer hair, kind, peaceful, motherly, and more gold in her eyes, but she does present as a simmilar age to yours," I ruffle their hair, they giggle. "She tends the hearth at Olympus, and is known as the Last Olympian."

We sit on the elevator floor, play Rock Paper Scissors and chat. Eventually, the elevator stops, I get out as quickly as I can, take a deep breath, and start walking towards the Throne Room. Jordan runs to catch up to me, grabbing my hand to hold.

I spot Hestia, tending the hearth. I walk over to her, and Jordan follows.

"Percy, good to see you again. What are you doing here?" Hestia says from her spot at the hearth, she looks eight years old right now, almost twinning with Jordan. She spots Jordan, who's a step behind me, their body half hiding behind mine.

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