Chapter 3

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Ben dropped me off at Scouts at exactly 5:50. I arrive when most of the group does. I see Caleb, Noah, Grayson and still no Ricky. I know Ricky's got a lot going on for him, so I don't get worried. Everybody is curious why he doesn't show up. If I could tell them why, I honestly would. But, I think Ricky deserves to tell them on his own time. Instead, I simply just say I have no idea, and keep it moving. Anyways, I fist bump all the guys when they get out of the car and we walk into the cafe. Grayson moves closer to me.

"Still no Ricky, huh?" Grayson says. "Are you sure you have no idea where he is?"

"Listen, if I knew where he was and could tell you, I would," I said. "Now, let's go eat. I'm starving."

Grayson nodded his head, and we all walked into the cafe together.  We all got our normal booth with our normal waiter. 

"Hey guys, ya'll doin' the usual this evenin'?" June said, with her southern twang of an accent. She used to live in Savannah, Georgia but she moved to California to pursue her dreams of becoming an actor. 

Caleb looks at everyone to make sure this is okay,  and when everybody says that it is, he simply nods his head with a big smile on his face. June smiles, and then she walks away. As soon as she leaves, we all begin to make conversation with each other. We started to talk about our days, and then we went around asking each other different questions.

"So did anyone's teachers say or do anything stupid today?" Noah asked.

Before I even got to speak, Grayson was already telling the story."

"...yeah, Alex was trying to speak, and the teacher kept making her say her name over and over again." Grayson said with a smile in his voice.

"Oh yeah, she didn't let me call myself Alex, she made me say Alexandra." I said with a hint of frustration in my voice. "... and then to top it all off, Grayson called me Alexandra after class to make fun of me ."

Everyone gasped at this, they knew about the rules. I also knew that the fact that he called me Alexandra this morning, wasn't why they were so surprised. They were surprised that he didn't end up hooked to an IV in the ER after he called me that.

"Grayson, you broke the rules? How are you still breathing right now?" See, called it.

"I'm her favorite, that's how." Grayson said assertively. 

"Hey! For your information, I have no favorites, I cherish you all equally." I said in a mother-like fashion. 

"Yeah sure, we all know who it really is." Caleb says, as he flips his nonexistent hair. We all laugh nonstop after this.

It get's quiet after awhile, we didn't have to speak to know what was bothering all of would've been so much better if Ricky was there. Our thoughts all seemed to be interrupted by June as she brought the food over.

"Order up!" June said cheerily. "I have 3 cheeseburgers, 1 grilled cheese, and 4 vanilla shakes."

We thank her, and eat our food.  We talk about random things, and then we're ready to leave. Eventually, everyone gets on their bikes and ride home. I knew Ben was gonna be late, so I just texted him, and said I would get a ride from someone else. 

"Hey, my brother can't pick me up can anyone give me a ride?" 

"I can't, my mom said if I miss curfew, I can't come to Scout's anymore." Grayson said with a sorry look on his face.

"I can't, I have to be home early for some reason." Caleb said. 

"I guess it's you and me, Alex." Noah said with a smirk. This should be interesting.

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