Chapter 5

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     I woke up to the bright sunlight on my face, and i got ready for school. I wore the usual, which was Vans, mom jeans, and a random shirt. I didn't eat breakfast because I wasn't hungry. Instead, I made something for Grayson. His parents had 4 kids to feed. He always told his parents he wasn't hungry, but I knew the truth. He cared so much about other people that sometimes he forgot to care about himself. That's what I loved about a completely platonic way, of course. I threw a ball at Ben's face so he could wake up and take me to school. He was skipping school today, but I sure as heck wasn't. He got up, attempted to look like a member of society, and drove me to school. 


      "Hey Alex! What period do you have next?" Caleb said as he was walking up to me in the hallway.

       "What do you mean?" I said with a confused look on my face. "We all know each other's exact schedules."

       "To be honest, I don't know why I asked. I know you have AP Calculus next period." He said.

       "Right, you know that's one of the side rules," I said with a raised brow. "Never ask questions you don't already know the answers to."

         There were more than just six rules when it came to our group. Think about it like the Constitution. There were the six main rules like the Bill of Rights. Then there were all the other rules, and laws, and other small stuff listed in the document as well. It's quite simple.

          "Anyways, so got any plans this week? Any new boys?" He said jokingly. 

          "Shut up, Caleb!" I said with a smile on my face. "You know good and well, I don't and won't like anyone." 

             Now before anyone comes at me, I know that it's impossible to control who you attracted. When I made these rules, I created them based off of scientific research. While I was researching the laws of attraction I learned that high levels of the hormones dopamine and norepinephrine are released in your brain. It causes the body to act energetic, jovial and jocular. So basically you get super happy and make a lot of random jokes. These hormones can decrease your hunger and increase your insomnia. Which basically means when your in love with someone you can stop eating and sleeping. Now, I know you can't physically turn off your hormones,  but you can control how you act around the person. So, just push all of those feelings deep down, and they will eventually go away. Right?

"Yeah ok," He said with a smile on his face. "I totally believe you."

"Whatever, I'll see you during seventh period." I said as we parted ways.


When school ended, I went to the school activities bulletin and saw something that was upsetting. I saw a flyer for boy's basketball team tryouts. The problem was that there wasn't a flyer for the girls team. I'm not going to say I was totally surprised by this. This school couldn't care less about girl's sports. They see a lot of girls as accessories, while the boys make the money playing sports, or being CEO's, or being trust fund babies. Well, let me tell you, I am not a Louis Vuitton handbag. I'll tell you what I will do. I'm gonna go to an interview for the co-ed Lakers team, and I'm gonna strut my stuff with a handbag on my arm covered in LV. Noah's voice interrupts my thoughts. 

         "Hey, Al, we're gonna stay and play on the co-" He says, stopping mid-sentence.He's standing with all of the other guys, except Ricky of course.  "What are you looking at, and why do you look like your puppy just died?" 

           They all crowded around me, and just stared at the flyer. They all knew me very well, so they simply didn't say anything.

          "Boys, you know what we have to do next." I said with a smirk on my face. We all marched straight down to the principal's office. 

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