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*Chloe's pov*

"FUCK!" I screamed, way to loudly, why is it I always start my period at the worst times?

After a few minutes, Amell, Jaden Tristan and Noen came in

"Chloe I'm pretty sure you don't want another spanking, but what's wrong?!" Jaden said

I gesture to Tristan what was wrong, thank god he got the memo, he left and I just sat on the floor, trying not to die ofrom period cramps

"Fuc- flip that hurts" I said

Thank god the boys left, I decided singing would help distract me, I put on 'when the party's over' by Billie Eilish, starting off small at first, mumbling over the lyrics, by the chorus I was singing loud, putting my emotion into it, I don't sing to much, I'm self conscious and I sound like a toad, then came the second chorus, putting all my emotion into it, the song finished and so did I, the bedroom door slowly opened and great, all twelve boys where there, staring at me

"Sorry I was uh, singing to loud, oh uh look! I uh gotta change uhmm get out?" I said, wanting to be polite

"Tch, Chloe, your already in clothes," Jaden said

"Yes well uhh" I stumble

"We get your shy about your singing, you have a beautiful voice!" Tristan said

"When the fuc- hell, did you get home?" I asked, now in a mood once they caught me singing

"A couple minutes ago" Tristan shrugged

"Okay, so you where all standing outside of the room, while I was singing?" I asked, rudely, I KNEW the guys hated attitude, I was doing it to wind them up, they wouldn't spank me, I've already had a spanking today.

"Well yeah? What are you a dumbass?" Bryce asks

"RIGHT YOU CAN FUCK OFF BRYCE I SWEAR TO GOD" I screamed in their faces, pushing past all of them, some how, I don't know, but I ran into the bathroom and locked the door, I heard the boys mumbling outside, obviously about me

"STOP FUCKING TALKING ABOUT ME SEXIST BITCHES" I screamed, it was it for me, I was mad and I mean MAD I unlocked the door and threw a vase onto the floor, I ran downstairs and grabbed five or six plates and threw them at the wall, they smashed into pieces, I ran into the living room, the guys darted down the stairs, I threw all the pillows at the window and tipped one of the couches, I was so mad, I punched the wall, a small hole formed and little spots of blood formed, Ryan grabbed my wrists and pinned me to the ground, I was kicking and screaming, I knew I had accidentally kicked Ryan, I heard the other boys enter, once I calmed down, Ryan let me up, he sat me on his knee and held my waist, I gritted my teeth

"Chloe" Amell said softly, i held onto a pillow

"What?!" I say, rudely

"Oi, don't speak to him like that, okay?" Ryan says

Amell comes close to me, he squats down to my size, I shiver

"There was no need to act like that okay? You broke so many expensive things!" Amell said

I growled, not liking how close he was to my face

"Your gonna get a spanking okay?" Amell says, softly

I roll my eyes, Amell see's and stands up, he sighs, he was about to leave but I threw my pillow at his head, it worked

"Chloe, if you don't stop right now I swear I will spank you. RIGHT NOW!" William yells

"Oh yeah?! fucking try me!" I yell, I got off Ryan's knee, I grabbed a pillow and threw it at him, I then looked behind me and saw Bryan was about to grab me, I stood on the table and back-flipped behind him, pushing him down I ran out the room

"WEAK ASS BITCHES!" I scream, and I run upstairs, knowing full well who was spanking me and that it's gonna hurt..

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