Chapter 7 You meet...him

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Your POV
As me and Marion pulled away from the kiss everyone envelop us in group hug. "How touching...~" I heard a deep voice purr. We all back away to see a man dressed in all purple, even his SKIN was purple! His eyes were dead and all white. His smile was from ear to ear reveling his perfectly white teeth. His purple clothes seemed like a security uniform. The only thing that wasn't purple on him was a golden security badge on his chest.(A/n I just wore out the word purple XD) "Who-who is that?" I muttered. "Vincent..." Marion snarled. "You know puppet I would have never expected you to have a "girlfriend"." He hissed air quoting. "Why the air quotes around girlfriend?"I spoke up to him. He turned his grinning face to me. "Well doll face, your little puppet here is known to have murderous urges. He could kill you anytime they take over..." He said his grin getting wider. I turned back to marionette. "You wouldn't kill me would you?" I asked a bit of fear hinted in my voice. His glare turned to me but softened. "O-of course I wouldn't...I-I would never even think of it I love you to much." He said taking my hands. "Are you sure you want to believe him he has killed more night guards then you know." I heard Vincent purr. "(Y/N) please don't listen to him he is the one who murdered the missing children." Marion's voice was started to crack, I saw something drip out of his eyes, it was a runny black liquid....he was crying...I couldn't stand to see him like this...I turned back to Vincent rage written clearly on my face. "You-how could you kill those children!!" I screamed as I ran at him. I was ready to strike him when he grabbed me by both hands and stuck a sharp silver object to my throat. "Ah ah,now I don't want any trouble but you just need to calm down.~ and you need to come with me." He said in a smooth voice. "NO!!" Marion was about to pounce him. But Vincent pressed the knife further into my throat causing me to yelp in pain. "Stay back puppet or she'll have no head..." He said glaring at him. "I swear you crazy bastard if you hurt her..." Marion was streaming with rage his usually black eyes in his mask had red glowing pupils and his grin was sickly twisted into a glare. "Well I must bid you all a good bye." That was the last thing I heard until I felt the floor drop from under me and everything went black.
Yo!! So you got captured by purple guy or Vincent whichever you prefer to call him. What is he planning to do with you? Find out next chapter bai!!

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