Chapter 11 *LEMON*

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(A/n) Well here it is your lemon XD And for those people who didn't want one i will make a special ending so you don't have to read it. Anyway sit down and get your box of tissues ready because here we go! -3-
Your Pov
As all the animatronics headed back to there original spots, Marion and I head to prize corner holding hands. I looked at him and he seemed to be deep in thought. I wondered what thoughts could go through his mind (a/n I know what kind XDD Jk I'm so Pervy). Once we got to the prize corner I hopped on the counter and he did the same. This time he was staring at me. "Um are you feeling alright you've been very quiet?" I asked him putting my hand on his skinny leg. He snapped out of his thoughts and let out a deep sigh. "I-...I wanted to thank you..." He mumbled. I tilted my head puzzled. "Why?"
" have changed me. I'm not the cold blooded killer with a frozen heart. I am now considerate and how I was before the murders. And when you came in this building for the first time. My frozen heart melted from your smile. If I were to die from Vincent I would want to spend the last moments of my ending life with you. Your the most perfect and beautiful person I have ever laid my soulless eyes on and I would do anything for you. I love you."


That...was the most beautiful thing I have ever heard in my life. I couldn't believe he said that. Tears filled my wide (E/c) eyes. I started to cry...not because I was sad..I was happy...I loved him so much. "Oh...Marion...I-i love you to!" I sobbed I cried into his chest staining his black fabric with my tears. He buried his face in my neck and smelled my hair. I felt his cold lips touch my neck.

Short marionettes Pov.
I told my feeling to her and she was devastated. She started to sob and cry. She looked so beautiful even when crying. But her smile was better for her. I wanted to cheer her up...and I think I have a way...(A/N marionette you dirty puppet. -.- Lol)

Back to your Pov...
I felt him lay soft kisses on my neck...I was..enjoying it. I tilted my head so he could get a better angle. It only took him seconds so find my weak spot. He slowly sucked on it and kissed it. I held back a tiny moan...i didn't want to make any sound to me it was embarrassing...I let out I quiet sigh instead. He went down lower to my collar bone and gave me more soft pecks. i felt his fingers grip the rim of my shirt and tug on it. "Mari..." I squeaked. His black eyes looked up at me with a hint of worry. "if your uncomfortable we can stop.." He muttered softly placing a hand on my cheek, which was bright red. 'What a sweetie.' I thought to myself. "No I...could you be gentle...I never did this before." I murmured embarrassed. "Of course my dear. He purred in my ear before softly Nibbling on it. I giggled a bit..that actually tickled. I felt his hands go to my shirt again. I felt I little more comfortable with this now that I know in the...mood. He slowly pulled my shirt kissing the new exposed (S/C) skin as he went up. He pulled it over my head when he saw my bra. He tilted his head as if confused. "Erm...what's this?" He asked as he snapped the strap (< lol I should make that a phrase or something.) "I will explain it later." I said above a whisper. He nodded as he looked to my back. He figured out how to unhook it as I felt the back of my bra snap open. Suddenly I felt embarrassed and tried to hide my self when his soft black hands grabbed my wrists. "You don't have to hide (Y/n) I already know that your beautiful." He said with his mask changing into a nice smile. I smiled back as I slowly moved my arms down. He stared down at the sight of me before him. I saw his cheeks go bright red. He slowly knelt down to one and started to lick and suck on my right breast. I felt his tongue snake around my nipple as he sucked. I shuddered at this new found feeling. Massaged my other...I accedently let out a tiny moan. I felt him smirk on my chest when he heard me. He came back up and kissed me and pecked my cheek. When...I felt something...jabbing me. I looked down at his crotch and saw that...he had a...ya know.."uh Marion.." I squeaked. "Yes.." He answered in my ear. "Uh how do have a...'thing' if your a children's animatronic?" I asked. "Don't ask me my creator installed it not me..." He mumbled his face turning red. "Well...alright." He sat up as he undid the bottom button on his chest. A piece of cloth came off revealing his erection. So that was it. I blushed knowing that he was indeed capable of having sex. But I never would've guessed. I can't believe I never noticed that cloth either. His hands slid under the rim of my pants as he pulled them down, revealing my underwear. He rubbed the Cotten barrier in front of my arousal. He pulled me into a deep kiss as I felt him move the strip to the side. He grabbed my hand and made me grab his own arousal. I got what he wanted me to do so I slowly rubbed it. He let out a small moan which vibrated our mouths. I felt one of his fingers rub my clit, I bucked my hips upward. I never felt these feelings before...they felt...strangly good. I felt his tongue asking for entrance to my mouth. I opened my mouth as I felt his long tongue slip into my mouth and explore. He pulled away and smiled. "You taste good." He purred. "Ewww don't say that." I teased hitting his shoulder playfully. He gave a small laugh. He finally removed the last article of clothing clinging to me and he laid me on my back. "Hey...spread your legs a little." I blushed and complied to what he asked. I felt him position him self at my entrance. "just close your eyes and think of me you'll be alright I promise." He smiled at me and stroked my cheek. I nodded returning the smile. I felt him slowly push in to me. I winced at the sharp pain it cause but it was nothing I couldn't handle. "Are you alright?" He asked. "I-i think I'm ok." I whimpered. I felt my walls adjust to his size as he gave the first but slow thrust. I clawed at the counter feeling the sensation run through my body. Mari must felt the same way because his arms that was supporting him were shaking as he let out a ragged breath. He gave the second thrust and then another. I have tagged breaths and moans. I grabbed his shoulders and clawed them. His eyes went wide open along with his mouth. His hands clawed my hips leaving marks on my skin. "(Y-y/n).." the sound of his moans only made you want more of him. You bucked you hips thrusting yourself into him in rythem with his thrusts. His mouth opened wider and his tongue hung from his mouth. I felt a knot building in my abdomen as I felt him hitting my spot. I made him go faster...for some reason his pupils appeared in his mask. The knot was getting tighter and warmness came along with it. "M-Mari...I'm.." I couldn't finish my sentence as the knot released with me even knowing. All I felt was warmness and tingling go through me in waves, each one stronger then the last. I clawed his shoulders harder, ripping the fabric a little, as a moan from my throat echoed through the building. But Marion was still going at it...I didn't know his pupils inside his mask could move because the rolled upwards and I felt him release something in me as he let out a loud scream. He gripped on to me as his legs were quivering. I felt his breath on my chest as he collapse on top of me.
"I love much (Y-Y/n)."
"I-I love you to Marion."
"Ahem!" Our heads shot up when we saw the others standing there with there mouths agap. We both tried to studder out a sentence but we failed...horribly.
"Um...So Who want pizza?" Chica asked.
(A/n). :| aight what did you guys think of this lemon? I thought it was awkward XD. But what are ya gonna do I went through a whole box of kelneex making this. XD JK But seriously tho wow. Next I'm making and ending for the non lemon people so ya. Maybe I'll show you guy what I look like sometime if I get requests. :)
Bai Bai ya Pervs XDD LOLjk

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