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Ife lay in Ire's bed, typing away on her phone oblivious to whatever he was doing, well not that he was doing anything though, he was just angry that she is ignoring him for her "online boyfriends".

Ife laughed at something funny someone had said making Ire scoff.

"You won't believe what this idiot is telling me" Ife said trying to gist Ire on what she found funny but he only hissed and turned away.

For a moment she was confused and wondered what it is she had done wrong, they did not have any fight since she got there.

"Iremi, what have I done na?" Ife asked her boyfriend who was only being jealous.

"What did you not do? You left me here to be speaking with all those your yeye boyfriends" Ire said angrily causing Ife to laugh, she laughed hard.

"You don't mean it! You can be funny ooo, I was only talking to.....

"Your friends, I know! But I'm all alone" he complained. Ife heaved a sigh and put off her data then dropped her phone.

"Are satisfied now?" She asked Ire who smiled and nodded.

They later had fun playing the ludo game and also whott, Ife made them dinner and it was starting to get late.

Looking through Ire's wardrobe, she picked a white shirt that he only wore to church or when going somewhere formal and wore it. Normally it will be midthigh long for a ladt but Ife's tall figure made it shorter on her, her small perky breast was barely obvious in it but still she managed to look great in it.

Ire who was working on an assignment suddenly caught sight of her, the feeling of disbelief got over him, she knows that shirt is not something he just wear like that.

There is a saying or maybe not a saying but people say, "real girlfriends are witches and those once that appear to be so innocent are fake". Ife in this situation is a witch.

"Put it off" Ire commanded making Ife laugh.

"You don't mean it, it looks better on me? Oh baby thank you" Ife said pretending to blush. Ire shook his head, wondering what to do with this lady he calls 'girl friend'.

"Ife na, stooop" he whined.

"Ire na, thank yoooou" Ife replied mimicking his manner of talking.

"Where did I even find you ehn? Your wahala is too much!" Ire said hitting his face with his palm, that shirt is the only one he has like that, he has mainly round necks, polo, it's either that shirt or the black.

"So I should put it off abi? My body is dirty, I don't bath shey?" Ife asked making pity face, Ire knew he was not winning this, he only shook his head and went on with his assignment.

"Sha let me see the assignment you need help with oooo, winchy winchy" Ife told her and she jumped quickly to get her book, babbling about how the lecturer was just a lecturer and not a teacher because he made no explanations whatsoever.

She also complained about how difficult the assignment was and how her GP is already low, she doesn't know if this will have anything to do with her result, the man is crazy bla bla bla. Ire only sighed but collected the book from her.

What he wonders till now is how he ended up with this crazy lady.


Iremi : My goodness

Yeye : useless

Wahala : trouble

Abi : right

Shey : right

Sha : just

Winchy winchy : witch

I think chapters are going to be short, hope you enjoyed though. I think she is just like me.

Cast might come soon.

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