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After two days of deliberating, Gift and Idara finally got the balls to confront Ife about her health issues. She was busy reading, that had now become her normal, it doesn't surprise anyone anymore.

The whole school has even been talking Ire and Ife's break up for a while now and it doesn't seem like it was going to die down anytime soon.
They were the IT couples after all, Ife is the sister of popular celebrity Sade Babatunde, everyone knows her.

"Ife, we need to talk" Gift said being the outspoken one among the two.

"About what?" Ife replied with disinterest.

"We don't really want to bother you since you are reading but......

"You are already bothering me" Ife replied bluntly cutting Idara short, she taught it was a bad idea to confront her and just wait for her to open up by herself but Gift wouldn't listen. She kept quiet nudging Gift to take over.

"When were you planning to tell us you are HIV positive" Gift asked with no filter, Idara quickly covered her mouth with her hands and said "Ha"
The biro in Ife's hand fell, she was not expecting that from them at all.

The only people that knew of her health condition were her immediate family and Ire, Ire! He must have told them, that scum!

She can't blame him for dumping her but he doesn't even care, he just walk away when he see her, he can't even check on her to know how she is doing at least as a friend, he just abandoned her completely.

"Where did you hear such nonsense from Gift, I know you don't like me but you can't just spill out shit from that your always running mouth and.....

"Shussh, Ife what do you take us for? We are friends, best friends! Who hates you? Gift? The one who loves you even more than her own siblings?" Idara said in anger, knowing Ife for six years, ever since Secondary School days and Eve though they met with Gift just three years ago, the clicked easily and all three became BFFS.

"Well that is because her siblings hate her!" Ife replied without any hint of remorse. Gift packed a few stuff and got up to leave, she can't watch Ife rub her problems on her face. She was supposed to be a friend.

Idara quickly stopped her from leaving. "Calm down now Gift, be calming down! You should understand" Idara told her calmly.

"No, I can't relax, I can't calm down, the person I call my best friend, my family, she just insulted me with the most painful part of my life like it is nothing! I can't sit in here and listen to her spill out trash.... Maybe she deserves the HIV she has after all" Gift said in anger, pain as tears rolled down her eyes.

Being the illegitimate child of her father, she gets treated badly by her stepmother, half - siblings and even father who is supposed to be her backbone, after all she is the girl who almost ruined his happy home.

"You too don't talk like this na! Nobody deserves any of what you two are going through" Idara told Gift who was currently boiling and even crying. Ife was crying herself, she doesn't deserve the disease, she has always been a good child and friend.

"Ife, Ire told us... As your friends we did not like your new attitude, we could tell you are going through depression and heartache so we went to see Ire, to question him on why he thought he could just dump you like that after four years and ma'am, it was Gift's idea, the same Gift you just said hates you!" Idara told Ife as well causing her to cry even more, her friends were just the best and she has been stupid.

"Ire thought you considered us friends enough to tell us of your health condition, he asked us "if it was your brother, will you advice him to continue a relationship with an HIV infected person?" He was even grateful he traveled when he did, that was what saved him from getting it from you. Tell us were you even planning to let us know? Taking pills in the toilet, keeping your knives, pins, blade, every sharp objects in your bag and locking it with padlock, Ife!" She regretted it, she regretted her actions, she needed them but chose to ignore and avoid them.

She separated herself from everyone who gave her joy, she suffered alone, dealt with her messy breakup alone, her health condition alone, silently cried herself to sleep and sometimes had suicidal thoughts. She had the best friends in the world but was too stupid to realize it.

She got up and went over to Gift.
"Please forgive me, I lost my direction on life, I ignored even my own family, it was as if I was the only one against the world, I was annoyed at even God himself for allowing me to be in this situation, my life is a mess! What is a fine girl with HIV? I felt useless and started feeling inferior, I couldn't even face you two, I was so stupid.
Gift please, I am so sorry for all the hurtful words I had said to you" She pleaded, her friends understood, they knew it wasn't in her character and understood her situation. They pulled her into a group hug after which Gift yelled at her saying;

"If you ever hide something big from us again, good or bad news I am so not forgiving you!" They all laughed.

"Big news, Toyosi is having a baby and getting married" she told her friends.

"Party planner?" Idara asked but Ife slowly shook her head.

"I don't have the party spirit in me anymore, what is there for me to celebrate? I'm just a useless existence" she replied.

Both Idara and Gift pulled her and comforted her "You are a Queen, a great woman with a great future ahead, with or without a man, with or without a child, with or without HIV!!!" Gift told her softly, she thought they will scream or tell at her if she told them but all they did was comfort her. This is what she had been missing!


Watsup people???? Have you voted? Did you comment? Who did you tell about this amazing book or you are just selfishly reading it alone? That will be unfair.

I thank all of my readers, I appreciate you all, both ghost readers and active ones....... I am me because of you❤️❤️

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