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"Please, Please, I beg you... Dafe!!!! Ah! Please" Sade pleaded with her boyfriend who would not stop hitting her but instead he only increased the pressure, he pulled her by her hair and pushed her, causing Sade to since in pain, she wondered how long she will have to continue suffering like this.

"Come here you stupid woman, so you think you can just do anything you want right? Bring anyone into my house and then have people talking shit" Dafe yelled at her angrily.

Okay, Dafe found a picture of Sade trending online with bruises all over, it appeared she was in an hospital, there were several comments online and some pointed fingers at Dafe for watching his woman look that way.

Dafe being a top movie producer hates his name being dragged in the mud, after Sade explained everything to him, he had said it all happened because she allowed a stranger (Ife) into their home.

"I'm sorry Dafe but Ife is my sister and...." Sade tried explaining but was met with a slap and continuous beating, despite her pleas he did not leave her until he was satisfied.

Sade watched him walk out of the house angrily, she curled up in a ball on the floor crying her eyes out. She seem crazy bearing all of these and she knows but there is nothing she can do about it but endure it. Stupid! Yes but then it's the truth.


Ife packed up all of her stuffs leaving nothing behind, she has an incurable disease and has no hope whatsoever in life, her GP in school is just too low, she is that dumb girl everyone talks about and now she is not just that, she is "The Dumb HIV Girl"

Why is her life just a mess, it is as if her village people just doesn't want to leave her and her family alone, first their father had to leave, Toyo had to get pregnant and run away from home, Sade is suffering in the hands of her psycho woman beating boyfriend and she got HIV! Perfect! Now her mother is no longer the happy woman, full of life but a living zombie.

"Do you really need to leave? School has not resumed yet" Toyosi asked her as she picked up the last thing that belonged to her and put it in her traveling bag.

"Yes, that is what I have decided to do, go to school, study, graduate and spend the rest of my life alone forever!" She replied.

"No, I'm sure uncle Ire will still stick with you, no one says a person with HIV can't get married, you will just need protections" Toyosi stated as a matter of factly, getting a humourless laugh from Ife.

"How did protection work out for you? Pregnant woman?" Ife asked sarcastically, pulled her to traveling box and left the room. Toyosi sighed heavily at the thought of their lives, she pities Ife the most, at least she and Sade brought their own problems on themselves but Ife!

"Bye mamae" Ife told her mother who only replied with a simple nod and left. Eniola has been that way since they left the hospital two days ago, she barely eats and wouldn't talk to anyone, even Ife herself became a loner as well, it was only Toyosi trying to cheer them up but it did not work out.


Things Fall Apart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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