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Sade walked into her house only to meet Dafe pacing back and forth, he was visibly angry and she doesn't know why. Sometimes it's as if that spirit of trouble just enters him and says "My son, let cause trouble" because she doesn't even understand again.

"Where are you coming from?" He asked yelling the moment he saw her.

"Location, there is a new movie I'm working on" she replied and made move to leave but he pulled her back and raised his hand to slap her but she held it immediately.

"Don't you dare try it! Abi you are mad ni? Wait, do you want to kill me? No tell me, the day I entered your house, was this how I looked like? I'm tired of your animalistic behavior Dafe!" She replied him with confidence that she did not even know where it came from.

He can't rule her life, he can't turn her into a punching bag, he holds her career in his hands and has been threatening her with it but now, her life matters to her.

"Did you just talk back at me?" Dafe asked in shock, never in his wildest imagination did he think a day will come when Sade will talk back at him.

"Yes, and there is nothing you can do to me! You know what? To hell with you, to hell with your connections, to hell with your inexistence love!!" She yelled even more and walked out on him.

So earlier the previous day, she thought about her life and she couldn't continue that way, she will try her best to stand on her own, even if she have to burn, she will rise from the dust!

She bought a house on the mainland, and packed her stuffs very early in the morning before Dafe woke up, she only came for a few clothes she was not able to pack and she is leaving.

Dafe watched her come down the stairs with a small box and wondered what she was up to, he even feared asking her, she talking back to him totally scared him, she seemed like a different person and even very scary.

She left, she left his house, she left him for good.


Ife sat across Olamide in the fancy restaurant he had brought her, on their table was a full grilled chicken, two plates of fried and Nigerian jollof rice combined, a bottle of champagne and two empty wine cups.

She wondered why he thought he needed to spend to much, she is not the kind of girl to fall for superficial stuffs like this.

"So, can I know you more?" Olamide asked her.

"No, just one dinner and let's get things over with right? So you don't need to know me" Ife replied with disinterest, if it were a few months ago, she will have gladly divulged everything about her to him.

After so much cajoling, she finally loosened up and they had quite a nice chat until he said

"I really like you Ife, as a man would like a woman" The fork in Shade's hand fell, was he mocking her?

"What the hell is your problem? You know so well of my health condition, are you planning to....

"To what? Don't you get it? I'm not stupid Ife, I know of your condition and I know we can help each other out, we need each other!" Mide replied her, she was still confused!

"How? Why?"

"Because we are both in the same situation, I have HIV as well" he replied, she was even more shocked this time!


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