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Kunimi finally left Oikawa's house again.
Right now he was on his way to the grocery store.

"OMG PUT YOUR DOG ON A LEASH!", a woman yelled jumping back.
"I don't have one for him, with me…", Kunimi answered signaling Oreo to sit between his feet.
"What do you mean by that!"
"Exactly what I said…"
"Unacceptable! Why are you here with a dog which is not on a leash and then you don't have one with you! Just who do you think you are!"
"No one special…Also he's a support animal… He's been trained without a leash…", Kunimi answered.
"Ugh, why the hell do you need him! You don't have any scars and are alive so what's your problem!"

"Excuse me ma'am? Not everyone with a mental illness has scars or something like that now would you mind leaving this poor boy alone?", a man asked.
Kunimi knew that voice, so he turned and saw the manager of the cafe where he always got his bubble tea from.
The woman left, shooting Kunimi one last glare.
"Thanks…", Kunimi muttered bowing slightly.
"No problem, no one deserves to be judged by someone by her. Now go and do what you want to"
"Okay…", Kunimi thanked him one last time and left.

He stepped inside the big convention store that Kindaichi worked in.
He walked down the many aisles with Oreo next to him.
Suddenly he felt that his presence had left next to him, he turned around to see some small girl holding his tail.
He quickly turned jogging towards the girl.
"Could you let go of his tail? It hurts him"
"But mommy said I can do whatever I want with dogs inside here"
"Well sadly I have to disappoint you that's not how it works. Now let go of him please"
"But mommy said it was okay"
"Look I don't care what your mother said. Let go of him or we will have a problem", Kunimi stated slightly glaring at the girl.
Did I mention that his span of patience is really short?

The girl let go crying, probably running to her mother.
"Sorry Oreo", Kunimi mutter patting him and giving him treats, "you did that good"
Oreo just happily wagged his tail, following Kunimi again.

He was in front of the snacks when the child appeared this time with her mother.
"I heard you made my daughter cry and told her what to do?", the woman asked tapping her foot impatiently.
"Well she did hurt my dog…", Kunimi muttered focusing on the snacks in front of him.
"Excuse me? Why is that dog even here? Animals aren't allowed inside"
"Well then you shouldn't be allowed in here too", Kunimi whispered still concentrating on the snacks.
"Tell me now, why is that dog here?"
"You'd know if you could read but since it seems like you can't… he's a support animal which means he's allowed in here"
"Oh yeah what kind of support?"
"Emotional, depression, anxiety, panic attacks etc"
"Fake. You are way too young for that crap"
"If you think so go and get an employee, also you aren't one to complain 'miss I'll just tell my daughter she's allowed to hurt animals'", Kunimi shot back still not looking at her.
"I will definitely do that"

The woman's presence slowly faded and Kunimi fully concentrated on finding the snacks he wanted.
He only turned his attention away when he heard a familiar voice.
"So there is a boy with a fake service animal?"
"Yes. He made my daughter cry. That animal is dangerous!"
"Well then let's see"
Kunimi realized he still had his hood on which meant Kindaichi wouldn't recognize him, he quickly pulled it down.

The woman kept on complaining about that boy and the fake service animal and suddenly the employee bursted out into laughter.
"Sir this isn't funny!"
"It is because this 'fake' service animal is in fact not fake"
"How can you know that?"
"I literally bought it for him"
"Wha- But he definitely doesn't need it!"
"Definitely doesn't need it my ass. If you can't stop complaining leave", Kindaichi said pointing at the exit.
The woman angrily trotted off, when she was out of sight Kunimi also bursted into a fit of laughter.

"That makes two people telling me that I don't need one"
"They are just stupid. Also I'll just get changed you can wait at the exit", Kindaichi said looking around and placing a quick kiss on Kunimi's lips and leaving him behind flustered.

Kunimi quickly took the snack he she searched for and went to pay, a male with silver hair and a beauty mark under his left eye greeted him.
"This is on the house", he said giving Kunimi his snacks.
"Oh don't act like I don't know who you are. Kunimi Akira or better the Ski Kindaichi talks about"
"Wait-He talks about me?"
"Only nice things don't worry. Also I didn't introduce myself yet, I'm Sugawara Kōshi but please just call me Suga"
"Thank you Suga but how can you say that it's on house…"
"Oh, it's my father's shop" (A/N yes Ukai and Takeda are his dads)

"Aki, let's go", Kindaichi said grabbing his hand.
"Wait one last question. Can I pet him please?", Suga asked.
Yea sure"
They spent about five minutes more and then slowly made their way home.

"Sooo you talk about me to Suga?"
"If you talk about me to Suga"
"Yea, only good stuff tho"
"And that would be?"
"How cute you are, how cuddly, how you steal all my shirts and hoodies-"
"Okay okay that's enough"
"You asked me"
Kunimi opened the bag of chips and started eating them, sharing with Kindaichi of course.

Finally back at home they unlocked the front door and saw a note that said that they were out on a date.
Kunimi told Kindaichi to shower or take a bath.
"Only if you join me. I won't do anything I swear"
"I swear if you do, don't be a bitch about getting beaten by me"
"Okay okay chill. I'll run us a bath"

Kindaichi left running a bath and getting Kunimi when it was ready.
They made themselves comfortable in the bath tube, helping each other washing their hair etc.
In the end they laid in the bed with fresh clothes on, well more like Kunimi half sat with Kindaichi's head on his lap.
He was braiding his hair again, since tomorrow they wouldn't have any school and Kindaichi no work.

Also did I mention that they fell asleep cuddling and woke up when Makki and Mattsun came home cuz damn they were definitely drunk.

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