Chapter 4: That Boy Is Mine

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Knock, knock.

Groff was on the sofa, eating salted caramel ice cream out of the tub (the ice cream tub not the fucking bathtub) with a spoon, and watching his favorite movie, Cinderella. He felt like he had just gone through a bad breakup, yet he was never even in a relationship in the first place. That's what hurt the most.

Knock, knock.

He reluctantly got up, leaving the movie playing in the background. Jon opened the door to see Lin still in costume (the black suit from the end of the show) with his hair pulled back, holding a bouquet of red roses. Groff inwardly rolled his eyes but a tugging sensation in his heart kept him from slamming the door. He leaned against the doorframe in surrender to the beautifully annoying man who had broken his heart in front of him. 

Groff's eyes were puffy and red from crying but he still looked good as ever. Lin pushed the bouquet of flowers into his hands and started singing Helpless.

Jonathan couldn't help smiling a little on the inside, but tried to remain as pokerfaced as possible on the outside. It didn't help that Lin was singing every line perfectly, replacing "Eliza" with "Jonathan" or that the roses smelled so good.

He finished with a small smile and muttered, "I could never stay mad at you."

Groff's heart did a happy dance, betraying the fact that he was trying not to be swayed by something as silly as this. He maintained a serious expression. "You really hurt me, you know, Lin. Why are you even here? You're married, and you're not actually helpless around me, you just did what you did out of pity for my private feelings and then twisted the knife in my heart even further. If I'm just someone with a heart you can toss around whenever you want to you, then I'm sorry, you're on your own. I don't want to do this anymore because, I really am helpless around you," he said, his voice cracking with emotion. He internally cursed himself for getting too emotional, and turned on his heel to close the door but Lin stuck his foot in the doorway to block it and grabbed his arm to turn him around. His hand slid down Groff's arm until they were holding hands, Jon looking unsure at the touch, but Lin held his gaze intently. 

"I know I hurt you, and I'm so sorry. From the bottom of my heart, I am so, so sorry. I wasn't thinking straight or thinking about anyone other than myself. I had no right to treat you like that when you've been nothing but good to me."

Jonathan blinked back tears as he listened.

"I love you," Lin said. "I really do. The way you love me. I just... I just spent my whole life telling myself I was straight and I knew I loved Vanessa, so when I met you and started feeling how I feel around you, I pushed those feelings way down deep and tried to never let them come to the surface even when we joke around for the fandom. I didn't know how to deal with my feelings because I've never felt this way before, excluding Vanessa, and even that's different. But it was never out of pity for you."

"And what about Vanessa, Lin?"

"We... decided to have an open marriage. I still love her, a lot, but I love you too," he stopped and squeezed Jon's hand tighter before letting a small smile dance across his lips. "And I wish, my dear Jonathan, it were in my power, by actions, rather than words, to convince you that I love you." His eyes were carefully searching and scanning for answers in Jonathan's. He gently pulled him closer and leaned forward, still holding his hand, the other hand reaching up to graze his cheek when Groff finally closed the gap between their lips.

It was a perfect mix of sweet and innocent, intense and passionate, their first real kiss as a couple. Jonathan stumbled backward with Lin in his arms, kicking the door closed behind them without breaking the kiss.

Word Count: 704 Words


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