Chapter 5: The One Where Everybody Finds Out

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Lin blinked awake, registering with a start that Jonathan's arms were wrapped around him and his head was nestled into his neck, Jon's steady breathing comforting him and making his heart flutter. The TV was still on since they had fallen asleep watching Cinderella. Lin nudged his head up to catch a glimpse of the clock—only to find that they were two hours late for rehearsal. Both of them. Together. 

In a panic, Lin checked his phone. The screen was littered with missed call notifications. He shot up, waking Jon. "Wh...?" Jonathan muttered, rubbing his eyes in the purest most innocent way any human being could. Lin loved him so much, it made his heart ache. But they had an issue to deal with. Lin planted a peck on his nose and whisper-yelled, "We're two hours late!" That woke him up.

Jonathan shot up too and Lin threw him a shirt from across the room where he was getting changed. They called a cab and Lin texted the Hamilcast group chat to tell them everything was fine and he had just overslept. Two notifications rang out shortly after, this time in a private chat between Renee and Lin.

ReneeEG: You never oversleep.

ReneeEG: Where's Jon?

Lin cursed under his breath.

LinnamonRoll: With me.

Their chat went silent after that. Lin knew Renee and Jon were really close and she would murder him if he ever hurt Jon. He hoped with all his might he never would.

Lin stopped Jonathan before they walked into the theater. "Should we walk in together?" he asked, bouncing on his heels in uncertainty.

Jonathan furrowed his brows and ran a hand through his hair. "I don't know, should we?" he asked, tilting his head.

"Probably not? Although I think Renee knows, I don't know if I'm ready for the others to know just yet. We've only been together, for like, a night."

Jonathan nodded. "Okay, that's fine. Let's, um... Should I go first?"

"Sure. Make up some excuse."

Jonathan kissed him quickly before heading in—a great thing to do in public when your relationship isn't out yet—but no one seemed to notice.

Lin smiled as he watched him walk away. As a cover, he texted the Hamilcast.

LinnamonRoll: Almost here.

~ time skip: 10 minutes, at the theater! | brought to you by john laurens' turtles ~

Lin was greeted by a lot of annoyed expressions. Turns out it's kind of difficult to rehearse a show about Alexander Hamilton when the person who plays Alexander Hamilton isn't present. He gave them a sheepish grin and tried not to die of shame as they rehearsed together. 

~ time skip: the end of the day, everyone chillin backstage | brought to you by john laurens' turtles ~

Lin was washing his hands in the men's bathroom when Daveed casually came up next to him. "Funny how both you and Groffsauce both managed to oversleep today, for the same amount of time," he drawled, smirking as Lin suddenly straightened up and started to blush.

"Shut uppp."

Daveed gave him a cheeky wink and sauntered out the door.

After he exited the bathroom, Lin packed up his things and walked over to Jon who was sitting on the couch. He gently took his hand—"Hey babe!"—and tipped his head up to kiss him.

Jonathan quickly pulled away with his eyes wide. Lin began to ask, "Wh—" when all of the sudden, the peaceful silence that had existed when he entered the room exploded in playful catcalling and clapping behind them. With a horrible realization of what he just did, Lin quickly dropped Groff's hand and spun around, white as a sheet. So much for keeping the relationship under wraps.

"You guys look so cute together!" Anthony called. Pippa and Jazzy were jumping up and down and squealing as Renee clapped, laughing. Chris and Daveed joined in with an amused, knowing look on their faces. Leslie was smiling widely at them and Oak's jaw had dropped. Thayne was a bit preoccupied with a piece of cake that had Twinkies on top but looked up with a smile all the same.

Lin covered his face with his hands, peeking through his fingers but smiling in spite of himself. He decided to own it. Grabbing a heavily blushing Groffsauce by the hand, he pulled him up and close to him and kissed him again, harder. Groff pulled away breathlessly and fanned himself as a joke, grinning and holding Lin's hand tight.

Jazzy walked up to them hand in hand with Anthony, saying, "We should go on a double date sometime!"

"That would be so fun!" Groff squealed, pulling her in for a hug.

"So..." Pippa started. "What's up with Vanessa, then?"

"We decided to have an open marriage. She's started dating someone from work, we're all going out for drinks tomorrow," Lin answered, nerves rising in his stomach thinking about it.

"Hey, congratulations, you two. You make a great couple." Chris clapped Lin on the back as Renee whispered something to Jonathan, eyes shining. Jon started to drink his water.

"You act like Groff and I are getting married, Chris," Lin teased, and Jon spluttered next to him, nearly choking on his water. "Damn, we're only joking."

"Alright, we should head back home, and you guys too," Lin concluded, taking Jon's hand and waving with the other. Everyone said goodbye and headed out into the light rain.


"No," Jonathan decided. "Let's walk. You look beautiful in the moonlight." Jon's eyes shone as he locked eyes with Lin, intertwining their arms. It was everything he had ever wanted.

Word Count: 909 Words

Happy Groff is best Groff. :')

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