Chapter Eleven: Love Triangle

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As you arrived back to the station, Spencer was swept away with JJ to conduct family and witness interviews, while you and Emily did some work with Garcia. JJ and Spence had a relationship that was, to say the least, interesting. The seemed like friends on the outside, but you occasionally saw them shoot looks at each other across the bullpen. Spencer Reid really does get all the girls.

"Soo.." Prentiss started. " what do you this about Reid and JJ?"

You and Prentiss had become pretty good friends in the year you worked at the BAU.

"What do you mean Em?" You acted as if you had no clue what had been happening.

"You really don't know?" She asked

You shook your head, despite knowing EXACTLY what she was talking about.

"JJ and Reid obviously like each other. Have you seen how Spencer looks at her. Even since Reid was 24, he would look at her all sweet. Look I know JJ is married, but come on. You can see the hearts."

The jealousy in you began to grow. Did Spencer really like JJ since he was 24!? You knew this whole thing you two did was a friend thing, but it ticked you off. Did they flirt even before you started here?

" Even the way they talk to each other-" You cut Emily off as she tried to add on.

"Not really, maybe Spencer is seeing someone." You hinted at Prentiss, your eyes searching the case files on the table in front of you. Almost feeling Emily's eyes on you, the suspense grew in the room.

"Ok Y/N spill, is he seeing someone right now? Come on you have to tell me! I know you know something. I can always tell." Prentiss said excitingly, laughing.

"It's just an idea Emily." You tried to blurt out. Prentiss was looking at you in awe. Drama never really happened in the office, especially between two coworkers. Little did she know, you and Reid were sneaking around right under their noses.

"No come one tell me! You and Spencer are close, he surly would have told you something."

You were close indeed, just in a different way.

"I. Erm-" Just as you tried to get words out, Hotch came in.

"How's the case going? Did Garcia give you the run down?" He started, sitting down. Emily looked at you, trying to profile an answer out of you. Everyone in the office could tell JJ and Reid has a little thing for each other, despite her being married. Emily though, was usually the keeper of all secrets. Surely she would have known this by now that Spencer might be "seeing someone". Prentiss and you had created an amazing bond since you have been there. Despite on occasion getting in little fights, you and her were fairly open about things. It was weird to not tell her about you and Spencer, but, it was a secret after all.


The team had arrived back to the BAU. The case had come to a close mostly, the unsub was caught, but not everything was solved. It was already Friday once again. Most of the bullpen was cleared, except for you and Spencer. You still had to make up dinner with Spence. Why not right now?

"Hey Spencer. If it's not a bad time, I wouldn't mind getting in that dinner you wanted to have with me."

He looked exited by this. He wanted to talk to you.

"Yeah, I wouldn't mind at all!" Reid exclaimed, trying to hide his excitement.

"I'll drive." He added.

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