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"Thunder!!~~" Thunder's fangirls were stalking him again and he grunted in frustraition.

"Cahaya help me out here!" Thunder called out and Solar helped him. He posed and almost all the girls went to him. Thunder ran away.

"Thanks man! I owe ya!" Solar nodded and sweatdropped as some of the girls fainted.

"Ah c'mon!" Fang said and his arms were crossed.

"It's okay Fang." Earth said smiling. Fang had pink on his cheeks.

In Earth's mind.

"WHAT THE ACTUALL HECK AM I DOING!?!?!?!? YES I LIKE FANG! WAIT!? IS THAT-!? IS HE BLUSHING!? WHAT!? Does-does he like me? Wait!? Aghu! Stupid Earth! Of course not! Who would like me anyway!? I'm just a dumb, annoying, ugly human being."

No one's POV

Yes. Despite Quake being all smart and happy. There really is more than what meets the eyes. It's like Cyclone. He also enherited the joy of being a great actor.

Quake would wear long sleeved shirts to hide his cuts.

Every morning and eveing he would slice his writs until he was sleepy.

Mission; FaKe!

The plan was set and ready.

Quake just sat there enjoying the breeze when he saw Fang.

"Hey Fang." Fanh smiled and greeted him back.

Suddenly the breeze turned cold.

Fang gave his jacket to the blushing Quake. The huddled for a moment then the breeze went okay.

Fang and Quake were now hanging out on the feild.

When it was night time they were star gazing.

Fang looked at Quake and kissed him. And of course. Quake kissed back.

Fang and Quake were now in a relationship! Kya!!!

The trio high fived at their success amd left for home.

"I am for real so sorry for this short chapter!!!! I like have no creativty yest and like it's so early!!!!!! Sorry again!"

Past is past (Buisness and still with powers Also Highschool AU)Where stories live. Discover now